Guys were having a baby *edited*

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Finn P.O.V

I can't believe Quinn told Rachel, Rachel probably does hate me now as much as she says she doesn't

Quinn's P.O.V

I walk to glee club to see everyone already there I haven't seen Rachel all day since I told her in the bathroom, I just need to tell Noah on his own.

Quinn: Noah can I speak to you in private

Puck: sure, Santana I'll be back

Santana: ok take your time

I lead Noah to a private empty classroom.

Puck: so what's up

Quinn: I'm sorry for what happened

Puck: yh me too

Quinn: but I have something to tell you

Puck: shoot

Quinn: Noah I don't know how to tell you this but me and Finn we had an affair and I'm pregnant with his child

Puck: how could you Quinn

Quinn: I didn't mean it, it didn't mean anything

Puck: but you're still pregnant with his child Quinn my best friend, how could you do this especially to Rachel, is that why she's not here because you told her

Quinn: yes and I am so sorry Noah

Puck: it's Puck only my friends call me Noah

And he walks out I dry my tears and I enter the choir room again to see Noah I mean Puck in the corner with his arms crossed and Santana next to him giving me a dirty look I sit down next to Finn who smiles but I can't smile back I've hurt so many people I just can't

Finn: Mr Schue I have something to announce

Will: ok Finn fire away

What is he doing? He stands up the front

Finn: Quinn and I have some news

Quinn: Finn no

Finn: Quinn and I we're together and expecting a child

I sit down shocked and angry at Finn how could he do this suddenly the whole room is silent looking at me except Santana and Noah

Artie: hold up when did this happen

Finn: about 7 months ago

Mercedes: how far along are you

Finn: 12 weeks

Quinn: Finn stop it! This is all your fault so just sit down and shut up

Finn: Quinn they have to know

I give up I've hurt everyone and it's all partly Finns fault

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