Christmas day

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Rachel's P.O.V

I wake up quite early, I wake up at 7am, deciding I won't wake up the others just yet I go on my phone and check my texts, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram till I get bored which doesn't last long well it lasts till 7:30 where I put on my super soft dressing gown and I then wake up a sleepy Quinn but also brightens up because today is finally Christmas day and I can't wait for her to open her presents even though she believes she hasn't got any.

We then wake up my dad and we head downstairs to see my grandparents who are already down making tea, Quinn has a green tea as I have a ordinary tea.

Anne: when do you want to open presents

Rachel: Quinn?

Quinn: it's up to you, it your Christmas Day

She says taking a sip of her green tea, which she is shocked at because no one really knew she drinks green tea but usually she walks in smelling of it and sometimes orders it when we're out

Joe: dear it's also your Christmas you have to enjoy today and not think about them people

Quinn: okay so after breakfast?

Anne: sounds perfect

Rachel: what do you want for breakfast

Quinn: pancakes?

Rachel: right up

I get up and start making them as the others talk to each other I smile, this is my family even with Quinn carrying Finns child I could never not love her she's practically my sister, I proceed to make pancakes and soon enough their in front of everyone.

Rachel: enjoy

We all dig in applying different things that we want to eat with pancakes I add strawberries, chocolate spread and some cream, it's weird but nice.

Anne: Okay let's open presents

We all put the dishes in the sink and walk in the kitchen to see the tree full of presents

Quinn: this looks amazing

We let Quinn sit on the sofa with grandma next to her as I sit on the other side on the floor with dad and grandpa.

Joe: ok, let's get these presents out

He then drags all the presents out

Joe: okay these are for my beautiful Anne

Anne: thank you darling

Joe: Will

Will: thanks dad

Joe: Rachel

Rachel: thanks grandpa

Joe: And Quinn

Quinn: what?

You can see she's shocked as grandpa hands her a big pile of presents we all smile

Joe: we had to include you too

Quinn: you shouldn't of

Anne: dear yes we should, you're practically a Schuester now

Quinn: thank you so much

She's in tears and I drag her into a bear hug

Rachel: okay let's open these presents

We then go crazy as we open everything,

Dad got a new watch of me and Quinn whilst grandma and grandpa got him a few things to use in day to day life.

Quinn got a few maternity clothes of grandma and grandpa along with also a new bag, dad got her a nice little charm bracelet with a music note and a microphone, my grandparents also chipped in and got a Pom Pom charm and a few basic charms, there's also a charm that says best and a charm with a 'Q' on it looks so beautiful.

I spoilt her rotten, I got Quinn a few things for the bath to help her relax more, I got her some make up, some a few things for her bedroom here to make it more home to her and I get her a few clothes as well and a few other bits.

I got a new iPhone from dad a new handbag from grandma and grandpa and I got a few bits from Quinn but my favourite which is of Quinn is a disney mug and I absolutely love mugs.

Dad also presents me with a square box and I open it confused to see the same charm bracelet as Quinn's except mine has different charms

I have a star, a microphone, a music note also, a 'R' charm, a megaphone, a charm that says friend obviously to go with Quinn's best, a mug charm and a cat charm, I love it.

Rachel: we have matching bracelets I say excited

Quinn: that's amazing thank you all so much

We put our bracelets on as grandma and grandpa open their presents from all of us.

The day carries on amazingly and we all gather for Christmas dinner and at night we're sat in the living room with hot drinks and cakes watching Christmas tv.

Today has been the best day ever.

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