I want to see my baby

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Rachels P.O.V

Finn: Rachel

Rachel: what are you doing here

Finn: Is this her

Rachel: No

Finn: don't lie to me Rachel

He walks in I'm terrified about what could happen

Finn: I can't believe you still live here

Rachel: Why not

Finn: Rachel Berry the girl whose dream was to go to New York and become a big Broadway star and now she's stuck here with her dad looking after her best mates child she shares with her ex boyfriend

Rachel: Why are you doing this Finn

Finn: I want to see my baby Rachel you can't stop me

Rachel: Just hang on

I quickly rush upstairs with Beth and I place her in the cot and quickly ring Quinn

Quinn: Rachel what's happen
Rachel: Quinn you need to come home now
Quinn: what?
Rachel: Finns back he wants to see Beth
Quinn: okay we'll be there in 10 hold on
Rachel: Please hurry

I hang up and I leave Beth in the bedroom locking Quinn's bedroom door shoving the key in my jean back pocket and walk downstairs

Finn: Rachel don't mess me around

Rachel: Finn she's not mine I can't go against Quinn

Finn: You love her don't you

Rachel: Who?

Finn: Quinn

Rachel: no I don't why does every one think that

Finn: because you've always wanted to get rid of me and you so quickly took Quinn in

Rachel: she's my best friend and that's not true you was the one that decided to cheat on me not the other way round

Finn: Rachel where is she?

Rachel: Away from you

Finn: I'm going up

He barges past me upstairs

Rachel: Finn no

I chase after him as he tests every room door

Rachel: Finn you can't do this she's tired she needs her sleep

I block the door with my body even though it will never work because Finn is way taller than me

Noah: Rachel

I hear him running up the stairs thank god

Finn: Your new boyfriend

Quinn: Finn what are you doing here

Finn: I want to see my baby Quinn

Noah: You don't even know her name the point is Finn you left them as soon as you got accepted into college you wasn't there for any of the scans we was all them times Rachel did midnight cravings that was meant to be your job but you didn't bother so why now

Finn: Can you at least let me hold her them I'm out I promise

Rachel: Quinn?

Quinn; then you'll leave us and I give you updates over the computer

Finn: That sounds fair

I unlock the door and fetch beth who is now asleep I silently pick her up and take her to Finn

Rachel: you ready?

Finn nods as I place Beth in his arms

Finn: she's beautiful what's her name

Quinn: Bethany Rachel Schuester

Finn: it's a nice name I'm just sorry I wasn't there to help

Quinn: it's not all your fault

Finn: it just feels like it you know like if it wasn't for me you wouldn't have Beth Rachel and I would still be together maybe in New York you and Puck together

Rachel: Finn, Beth has been the best thing that's happened in this house in a long time and yeah if it wasn't for you and Quinn we wouldn't have such a beautiful girl in our lives

Finn: I guess you're right

Noah: Dude she's always right

Finn: Look after them all okay

Noah: I promise

Finn hands the baby over to Noah and just walks out

Maybe forever

And I don't know if I can let him do that

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