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Rachel's P.O.V

It's now Christmas Eve Eve and a lot has happened since my birthday.

Quinn and Noah have made up but they are not together, not until the baby is born agreed by both of them.

Finn still helps Quinn as much as he can and Quinn accepts that, she just has to tell her parents and book a hospital check up which she is terrified about.

It's now Christmas Eve Eve and Santana, Noah are round whilst dad is out doing last minute Christmas shopping.

We're also waiting for Quinn to come round so we can start watching re runs of F.R.I.E.N.D.S

Puck:are you sure shes comming round?

Santana:she promised

Rachel:plus it takes her hours to get ready

Suddenly the door bell rings

Santana: I'll get it

Santana goes to the door and let's Quinn in both hugging Quinn walks in and they all notice Quinn's upset

Noah: Quinn what's up?

That's when she breaks down

Quinn:im to fat

San: Oh Quinn come here you are not fat Quinn your beautiful what brought this on

Quinn:my jeans wont fit so im stuck in dresses and leggings and its not fair its Finn fault for being so damn tall

Rachel: come on let's sit down and watch re runs of F.R.I.E.N.D.S

Quinn: okay that sounds good

We all sit down and watch re runs often laughing this programme is literally my favourite ever

Quinn: I'm going to tell my parents tonight

Rach:Then what do you think they will say

Quinn: Probably kick me out

Rach: Maybe thy won't

Quinn: I know my parents

Rach: it will be okay just stick up for yourself

Quinn:ok I've got it

Rach:now come on let's make something to eat.

Quinn's P.O.V

I walk home from an amazing day with the others just like old times minus me being pregnant with my best friends ex boyfriends child. I'm going to tell my parents tonight and I am so scared

Judy:quinnie there you are did you have a good time at Rachel's? It's such a shame you and Noah split up

Quinn: yh I had a great time

Russel:Quinn is anything wrong

Quinn:mum dad im pregnant...

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