Its great to see you *edited and changed*

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Rachel's P.O.V

I run to a park near the house wiping my tears and I don't get why I get so upset I mean it's their choice on what they wanted to do but the fact they did it whilst they was with Me and Noah I mean how is that okay? Finn and Noah are best friends or was best friends and me and Quinn we was best friends.

I open my bag and I see an opened letter and I remember what it is.

It's a time set to see Jesse is prison.

I don't know why I agreed to it after how he's treated me in the past, but he might of changed he might not but i guess it's worth a try I look at the sheet.


Hour and a half.

I decide to walk to the bus stop, no one knows where I'm going except dad if Noah and Santana fount out they would throw a fit and tell me I'm stupid but I just have to see what he has to say, I catch the bus and get of at the stop closest to the prison and walk a few minutes up the road I arrive with 5 minutes to spare.

As soon as I go in I have to have my bag checked and I have to go through scanners to prove I'm not here to cause anything, I'm lead into a room full of other people woman with baby's, men with children, woman on their own, men on their own, the guards call us out by the prisoners surname.

"St james"

I know that's me I stand up with the others and the guard leads us into a meeting room we're lead to a table and sat waiting for the prisoners to come out, I'm sat in my seat shaking but I know there's no way out I have to face my fears suddenly I her chairs scraping others hugging the prisoners tightly some crying, I see Jesse and I stand up.

Jesse: Rachel

He comes up to me and hugs me tightly shocked I hug him back but not as tightly

Jesse: I'm so glad to came

Rachel: yh

Jesse: I'm so sorry about what I did, honestly could you forgive me?

Rachel: I don't know Jesse what you did really hurt me

Jesse: ok I'll give you time, so how's home

Rachel: great I live with my dad now

Jesse: you fount him? Wow I'm happy for you

Rachel: thank you

Jesse: what about the others Noah, Santana and Quinn?

Rachel: their good Quinn is pregnant

Jesse: wow is it Noah's?

Rachel: no it's Finn's

Jesse: whose Finn?

Rachel: my ex boyfriend

Jesse:oh, I'm sorry

Rachel: no it's fine I mean it just shows I have real bad history with guys

Jesse: do they know you're here?

Rach: only my dad, Noah and Santana would throw a fit

Jesse: I can't say sorry enough Rachel

Rachel: I know and I will slowly forgive you just not straight away

Jesse: that's all I ask for, so how far along is Quinn

Rachel: 2 weeks maybe 4?

Jesse: you don't know?

Rachel: they cheated on me and Noah I fount out today

Jesse: sorry

Rachel: for a first it's not your fault

Jesse: for a first

We both chuckle and I remember the old days

Jesse: it feels so good to hear you laugh

Rachel: yh

Jesse: do you remember when you beat Noah up because you wanted to prove you can do karate

I burst out laughing as I remember it so clearly

Rachel: oh god yes and he had a black eye

We sit laughing and talking till our times up where I stand up and Jesse follows

Jesse: thank you for seeing me

Rachel: I'm glad I got the courage to come here

Jesse: will I see you again

Rachel: probably

Jesse: I'll keep sending you invitations

We both chuckle at his stupidness and he pulls me into a hug

Jesse: don't blame Quinn it's not entirely her fault and she probably needs a friend right now

Rachel: ok

I nod and pull away we both smile as a guard leads me to the exit and Jesse back to his cell

Jesse: Rachel

I turn around to see him smiling

Jesse: happy birthday

Rachel: it's not till 2 days

Jesse: I know

I laugh as we go separate ways except for way you can go anywhere

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