Meeting the family

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Rachel's P.O.V

I got back extremely late last night as in half past 11 late but I think it was worth it and I didn't fall asleep till 3 after that sugar rush we both had on the way back from the sweet shop eating 2 bags of sweets to give us some sort of energy or well something to keep us awake i just didn't expect to stay up till 3.

Due to that I still woke up at 11 in the morning which is kind of late for me but it wasn't expected that I would wake up that early once I've checked and replied to my messages which Jesse has sent I then decide to just spend my Sunday in my pyjamas watching the bachelor with Quinn with dad cooking a great dinner and Noah comes round.

I head downstairs holding my phone and see dad in the kitchen marking a few papers.

Will: Hey sleeping beauty

Rachel: Hey

Will: Good night?

Rachel: Probably the best yeah

Quinn: oo she's up

Rachel: hi

Quinn: so are you going to spill the beans

Rachel: We went down to the pier

Quinn: That's it

Will: It's the pier you lived near wasn't it

Rachel: Yeah it was he remembered

Quinn: Wait what's with the pier

Rachel: Jesse and I started dating when we was 13 right

Quinn: Yes?

Rachel: Well our dates counted as us going to the pier and going to the sweet shop round the corner from a great restaurant that did brilliant pizza and amazing chocolate milkshakes we would then go to the photobooth and take a few shots before going to the arcades then watch the sunset on the beach

Quinn: That is so cute where are all the photos

Rachel: In a pink box under my bed

Will: I want to meet him

Rachel: What?

Will: invite him for lunch

Quinn: Yes do it

Rachel: Are you serious

Will: I'm being serious bring him over if you're just friends

Rachel: Okay if you're sure

Will: Great

This is insane why do they want him over

*On the phone upstairs*

Jesse: They want to kill me don't they
Rachel: No don't be silly it's just to see if you've changed besides it'll be fine
Jesse: okay but Puck will kill me
Rachel: No I won't allow it
Jesse: This is so strange
Rachel: Welcome to my life come on it will be fun
Jesse: Till they kill me
Rachel: Do you want someone to kill you
Jesse: no
Rachel: well stop mentioning killing
Jesse: sorry
Rachel: Okay make sure you're round in 20 minutes be early it makes a good impression
Jesse: okay I'll be there
Rachel: Look forward to seeing you St James
Jesse: You too Schuester

We hang up and I head downstairs carrying a pink box to see Quinn and dad in the kitchen.

Rachel: Here we are

Quinn: What is this

Rachel: Everything Jesse and I did together or what Jesse gave to me

In there includes
- tokens from our first arcade date
- Photobooth photos lots of them
- a straw from our first chocolate milkshake
- a pebble from the beach when Jesse first kissed me
- a napkin from that time I spilt ice cream down myself
- tickets to see a small production of Wicked
- a little cat sticker Jesse fount
- a old birthday balloon that Jesse brought me when I was 14
- a gum wrapper
- photos of us skating
- photos of us decorating the St James tree
- a little cat charm necklaces
- a empty packet of M&Ms that we shared
And obviously the prison letters

Quinn: This is so cute why do you never show this

Rachel: Noah hates him

Noah: What's that

Rachel: Dad invited Jesse round for dinner

Noah: oh okay

Rachel: You're okay with this

Noah: I guess I mean Quinn said he took you out on a date

Rachel: It wasn't a date

Noah: sure it wasn't

Suddenly the door goes

Quinn: Is this it

Rachel: yes it is now best behaviour okay

They all nod as I walk to the door and open it to see Jesse standing there

Rachel: Hey

I pull him in before he has a chance to run away

Jesse: Rachel I'm freaking out

Rachel: it'll be fine just be the Jesse I've seen since you left prison

Jesse: Okay I can do that

Rachel: okay let's do this

I hand his coat up and I softly grab his hand and lead him to the kitchen

Rachel: Dad, Noah and Quinn this is Jesse...

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