This is us

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Rachels P.O.V

After I announce the news to Jesse he hugs me tightly

Jesse: Thank god

Rachel: That's if you'll have me

Jesse: I'll always have you

Rachel: Good

Jesse: So I was looking for apartments whilst you were gone just for me incase you decided to not to go but I thought now you're going we could maybe pair together I mean no strings attached

Rachel: Well it would cost less

Jesse: defiantly cheaper

Rachel: And I would get to hear you sing everyday when you're practising

Jesse: Everyday

Rachel: And I mean I would see you everyday anyway whether we lived together or not

Jesse: I think it would be impossible not to see you everyday

Rachel: really impossible, so I think I will take the offer as friends only

Suddenly Jesse kisses me and its almost like I was 15 again taken away to a different world with Jesse after a few minutes he pulls away

Jesse: I had to do that

Rachel: I couldn't of agreed more

Jesse: room service

Rachel: Ever the romantic

Jesse: You know me so what are you doing tomorrow?

Rachel: Apart from work nothing

Jesse: Well 5 o clock we're going on a drive

Rachel: Are we really? And whose driving

Jesse: You of course so room service?

Rachel: I'll have a pizza fries and chocolate cake with a sprite

Jesse: Okay

A good 15 minutes later we are sat opposite each other at the table which is full of room service.

I decide to go at 9 after exchanging new numbers with Jesse after he decided to buy a new phone so he can actually contact me tomorrow and I decide to leave.

Once I arrive home I'm met with darkness apart from the light off the TV in the living room I go in to see Dad, Kitty and Quinn Kitty holding a sleeping Beth.

Will: Hey you okay

Rachel: Yeah I'm fine

Quinn: How was it

Rachel: felt like olden times before the gang

Quinn: I'm happy for you

Rachel: I'm happy too

And I actually feel it this time

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