I need to tell you guys something

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Rachel P.O.V

It's been 2 weeks since I visited Jesse and honestly I've never been happier since I can honestly see Jesse has changed and maybe it's time to tell everybody that I've been seeing Jesse because who knows what could happen after he is released I know they won't like it but if I can see he has changed then I can move on but I'm seeing a different side to him.

I wake up at 10 due to being up all night completing my final design for my final project designing my dream room simple really until you realise you don't know what to have the room like so I was up researching ideas and even that didn't help me.

Once I've woken up I decide to run myself a bath whilst I do that Quinn enters my bedroom with Beth

Rachel: bethy

I take her off Quinn and start playing with Beth whose actually wide awake doing a sort of giggle which is really cute

Quinn: So what's on your agenda today

Rachel: Handing in my final interior project when are you in college

Quinn: like in 20 minutes for like 2 hours so is it possible you can look after Beth

Rachel: oh of course I can yes I can bethy

Quinn: You're a life saver thank you so much

Rachel: has dad gone

Quinn: it's like 10 o clock of course he has he did come in here before he left

Rachel: oh did he

Quinn: Yeah okay so what's been going on

Rachel: What do you mean

Does she know?

Quinn: Well I fount a letter on the coffee table downstairs

Rachel: Ah

Quinn: From one Mr St James

Rachel: I can't explain

Quinn: You don't need to I completely stand by you

Rachel: You read it didn't you

Quinn: Maybe a tiny bit but it was enough to show he's changed

Rachel: Thank you for noticing that

Quinn: I can't promise Noah will be okay with it but does dad know?

Rachel: He was the first person I told I'm just worried about Noah

Quinn: He'll be fine trust me I mean he will find out one day when in 2 weeks he comes out

Rachel: Yeah I was going to tell you but I didn't realise I left a letter out

Quinn: How many of you got?

Rachel: 36

Quinn: That's a lot do you write back

Rachel: Everytime

Quinn: that's cute

Rachel: I know you want to read so there in the pink box under my bed

Quinn: that's why we are sisters

She gets excited as she gets out the box to see a bulk of letters held in by a hair tie.

Rachel: But please do not let Noah see them yet

Quinn: I promise these letters are between you and I okay I better leave Beth's milk is in the fridge she needs it at 12:30 then she may need a nap after good luck

Rachel: Bye

I put Beth down in the Moses basket that Quinn placed in my room by the bathroom door and I dip into my bath.

After I've dried off I change into a white dress with blue flowers on that comes up to my knee with my hair down I add a pair of shoes and I pick up Beth and take her downstairs.

We spend our day watching TV well I spend my day watching TV whilst Beth sleeps or plays with her play pen that's set in the living room for her sometimes to lay on and play which is the way I would love to spend my day.

Noah comes back at 12 from work and joins me playing with Beth till she gets bored and decides she just needs feeding, Noah feeds her as I get ready for college grabbing my leather jacket and bag not forgetting my project I head to my college and hand the project in also picking Quinn up. Kitty joining along with us

Will: I'm home

Quinn: You're early

Rachel: and carrying a bottle of champagne what's the celebration

Will: You my beautiful family are looking at the new principle of William McKinley performing arts school

Rachel: what are you being serious that's amazing dad

Kitty: This is incredible

We all hug dad I can't believe it principle of a performing arts school

Quinn: how is this even possible this is great news

Rachel:Well if we are all sharing things I have one thing to say

Will: Go ahead

Rachel: I've been in touch with Jesse

Noah: The hell?

Rachel: Noah

Noah: Rachel do you not remember what he did to you

Rachel: Noah he didn't mean to I was the one that got in to the middle of the fight

Noah: He still hit you Rachel or did you just forget that

Rachel: Of course I didn't but everyone else has accepted it

Noah: Everyone else knew but me

Rachel: Yes because I knew you would react like this which is exactly why I didn't tell you

I slam my glass down and run upstairs what is the point of arguing when he won't listen to my side.

Noah: Rach

Rachel: What now Noah

Noah: I'm sorry and if Jesse is as changed as your dad and Quinn say he is then I hope everything goes okay and I will support what ever decision to make

Rachel: Thank you

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