After *edited*

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Rachel's P.O.V

I don't know whether to feel sad, angry or even happy. Finn left 2 hours ago and me and dad unpacked and dad was insistent on cheering me up but the thing was I didn't know what to feel.

I'm sat on the sofa staring into space thinking over and over the reason why he dumped me, was i not good enough? Did he cheat on me? Did I make him unhappy? Just what was so wrong that he decided enough was enough?

Will: here even though it's before dinner you can have this

He presents me with a tub of Ben n Jerry's and a spoon my favourite Chocolate Brownie I smile and open the tub straight away digging my spoon into the chocolate goodness.

Will: so how do you feel?

He says sitting next to me watching me

Rach: I don't know, I feel better

Will: better is good, do you want me to call the others?

Rach: they probably already know... Somehow

Suddenly the door goes

Will: I'll get it you sit there

He gets up and opens the door

"Where is she?" I hear a voice who is it?

"She's in the living room just be careful"

Suddenly Puck and Santana come through

Rach: hey guys what's up

Santana: Quinn and Puck split up and so did you and Finn what happened?

Rach: what are you ok?

Why did Quinn split up with Puck surely they was so close to getting married

Puck: I'll be fine I guess

They both sit down on the same sofa dad on the chair

Will: so what happened?

Puck: I come home from the shops with my sister and I see Quinn sat on the sofa inside in tears and she just says we have to break up no reason or anything


Puck walks home with his younger sister after taking her to the sweet shop his sister bouncing all the way home they enter the house and his mum tells him Quinn is in the living room.

Puck: hey

Quinn wipes her years confusing Puck

Quinn: we need to talk

Puck: ok shoot

Quinn: we need to break up

Puck: I'm sorry did you just say we NEED to break up?

Quinn: this isn't easy

Puck: Quinn I don't understand why I mean is it something I've done something I've said

Quinn: of course not Noah you just have to understand for now

And she runs out in tears leaving Puck shocked and confused


Santana: what about you?

Rach: we got home from shopping Finn was on the doorstep head down low and we walked in and I already knew what was going to happen he just didn't give me a reason

Will: practically identical stories

Santana: I'm just shocked, like why did this happen

Rach: it just happens I guess

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