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5 years later

Rachel P.O.V

It's been 3 years since that kiss outside my house and well now I'm living in New York in my well our house.

Jesse and I went to New York 10 months into our new found relationship which was 2 years ago. We then realised we was in love with each other ever since that kiss and ever since then we've been inseparable.

We then applied to go to NYADA and luckily we both got in.

When we was at least 6 months into our relationship we started looking at houses in New York that's right houses not apartments Jesse says we should have somewhere big enough for our own 'personal space' but I find it comforting living somewhere safe with someone I now trust, who is now officially my fiancé.

Yes Jesse proposed last year quite romantic actually he took us back home and proposed on the beach after another pier date I of course said yes a million times.

Everyone was happy when Jesse proposed even Noah who congratulated Jesse and even gave him a pat on the shoulder which made me really happy that we was all getting along well.

3 months living in New York we got the best surprise visit ever dad, Quinn, Noah and Kitty decided to move to New York and well it's been amazing since.

Beth is now 3 years old it's going all so well Quinn and Noah are expecting their second child and another thing... They are now Mr and Mrs Puckerman.

Dad and Kitty finally met someone Kitty met her now fiancée in college whilst dad met his girlfriend at his first Broadway show.

Yes dad is now a Broadway actor and won actually quite a few awards.

Jesse on the other hand has won a Tony award and directed his first ever show which I was casted in.

Quinn is now a professional photographer something she's always wanted to be whilst Noah is now part of the NYPD he is now a qualified officer we now like to call him 'Officer Puckerman'

Finn often visits Beth with his new girlfriend Molly she's very nice and is friendly and we all get along very well. Beth absolutely loves them both.

I on the other hand well I had graduated from NYADA and played a few Broadway shows before I realised I'm ready to go another way and I finally opened my own bakery cafe where I sell all kinds of cakes and sandwiches and so far it's going amazing.

But that leaves me now getting ready for a girls day out with Quinn and Kitty I wake up at 10 to an empty bed Jesse must be already out, knowing I don't have to rush as I don't have work I walk to my wardrobe and look for something to wear.

I decide on a pair of thick leggings ready for the slight cold and a grey shirt top with the sleeves to my elbows, I leave my hair straight and apply a bit of make up I admire my engagement ring I can't believe it.

Once I'm ready I grab my thick cardigan and grab my bag and decide to leave the house locking up and I decide to walk luckily it's not far away otherwise I don't think I could manage but it's a nice day.

Quinn: Hey how are you

She stands up after much help from Kitty and I and we all hug each other

Kitty: Drink?

Rachel: No thank you

Quinn: So ready to go shopping

Rachel: Yes I am

Kitty: So how are you sleeping now

Rachel: Better I often get woken up because of how strong they are but i power through

Kitty: I can't wait till it's my turn

Quinn: Wait as long as you can trust me I'm ready to explode

Rachel: 2 months left

Quinn: And I am so nervous honestly I've already been through it once but I'm so nervous

Kitty: Well you'll have Noah by your side

Quinn: He wouldn't know what to do at least I had Rachel last time

Rachel: You could have Kitty or your mum even, you still want me to look after Beth right?

Quinn: I guess so

We arrive to the main part where we like to go shopping and that's when we're off shopping I haven't been shopping for 4 months so I've been a long overdue shopping.

Kitty: Rachel look at this

She shows me a pink baby grow with a disney thumper rabbit on

Rachel: That is so cute

Yes as you can guess it's true

I'm pregnant

5 months pregnant and expecting a baby girl, Jesse was over the moon okay so I wasn't married when I fount out but none of that matters not now I'm expecting a little girl.

We carry on shopping for 4 hours going everywhere we can think of as this is probably the last we will have till Quinn has her baby boy and I then separate from the girls and head home to see my loving fiancé cooking dinner for us in the kitchen.

Rachel: Hey you

Jesse: Hey how was your day

Rachel: Really good

Jesse: Did you leave anything in the stores

Rachel: Nope

I miss him and smile I'm actually really happy

Jesse: You okay is she kicking hard again?

Rachel: No it's fine honestly

Jesse: I love you

Rachel: I love you too

I kiss him again and I'm honestly really happy with the life I've got everyone living close by I'm getting married to the love of my life and expecting his child.

Nothing could be better.

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