The Truth

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Rachel P.O.V

I'm still sat in my car in the prison car park the rain hitting my windows hard.


It was a Friday night I was planning on meeting Jesse and a few of his friends Jesse finally quit the drugs which I'm so happy about i mean no one wants to see their boyfriend go through something like that.

I start with a shower at half past 6 and wash my hair after I'm done I dry my hair and decide to leave it in curls and I change into a dress that Jesse brought me this morning I love the dress it's a v neck body con dress with a black skirt and a cream top the top has little black lace detail I also put on my black heels and apply a bit of make up. Once I believe i look presentable it's already half 8 that gives me 29 minutes to get to Jesse, Leroy and Hiram won't mind I mean since when has Hiram cared what I did Santana and Quinn completely ditched me all because of Jesse well I say stuff them Jesse is my boyfriend and if they can't be near him then I guess that's the end for us.

I decided to get a cab to Jesse because I can't wait to see him as the taxi pulls up I get out and pay the driver and see Jesse standing outside smoking a cigarette

Jesse: Hey babe

Rachel: Hey

He leans down to kiss me and we hear a few whistles from his friends we both laugh

Jesse: Shall we head in

Rachel: Will I be allowed?

Jesse: Babe chill we'll get you in

We did get through security but that's only because he kept looking at my chest of course it was.

Jesse: Babe it's okay here have a drink

Rachel: what is it?

Jesse: your favourite

And that's how the night goes drinking dancing and having a laugh till we decide to leave Jesse's arm around me and we come to a stop to see a guy waiting just up the road from us

Jesse: babe just turn around guys

Confused i fool Jesse by turning round as his friends follow him suddenly I hear shouting and screaming and I turn around to see Jesse beating up the guy

Rachel: Jesse

I run up and suddenly his guys drag me away kicking and screaming I can't believe he's doing this I thought he changed

Rachel: Put me down Chase

Chase: Not a chance beauty queen

Rachel: Chase I swear to god put me down

I keep kicking and punching his back till he finally lets me go and I run back to Jesse.

Rachel: Jesse stop this

Jesse: Go away Rachel I don't want you to get hurt

Rachel: Jesse stop it

I try pulling his arm away and that's a bad choice as his elbow hits my eye and I fall back but he just doesn't stop punching.

Noah: Oi knock it off

Oh god he's going to see me here

Noah: what are you doing

He pulls Jesse away

Noah: Jesse wheres Rachel?

Rachel: I'm here

I say from the floor both looking at me as I hold my eye my nose is probably bleeding due to the blow

Noah: Rachel

He picks me up and examines me

Noah: Right I'm taking you to mine

Rachel: Noah I'm fine

Noah: Rachel he just hit you

Rachel: He didn't mean to I got in the way it's my fault

Jesse: Rachel go home I'll see you tomorrow okay?

Rachel: Promise?

Jesse: Promise

He kisses my forehead as Noah carries me home

The next day Jesse was arrested for attempted murder and that night was the last I saw of him.

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