The meeting of one Sue *edited*

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Quinn P.O.V

after Glee Rachel, Santana and I walk to the gym and I am actually worried abotu Rachel i mean after everything that happend just doesnt seem really you know she has a good days and bad where somethimes she doesn't get out of bed im worried about her especially after her song in Glee you see all our songs have meanings and the 4 today in Glee were about a same memory.

As we walk to changing rooms coach sees us

Sue:Ladies my office now the rest i want on the field practising the routine till its mentally stuck into your brain GO !!!

And all the cheerios scatter of on to the field whilst coach makes us go to her office and we all sit

Sue: ladies i heard you 3 joined glee is that true

Santana:coach were sorry but we actually do love Glee its funny its fun its alright

Sue:im gonna stop you right there because im truly happy for you all to join glee im not into spying on them anymore or setting them up i hav had a change of heart ladies now was there anything you wanted to say?


Sue:well go on captains teach your cheerios

We all scurry of confused, is coach a real nice person under that stubbornness? i suppose its Rachel's story after all you see Sue knew Rachel Santana and I in New York she was our gym teacher and she understood everything that happened. I stop thinking as we have to now teach the others a routine

Santana P.O.V

oh my god that must be the hardest practise EVER !!! my legs feel as if they are going to drop of is that normal anyway yh we have joined Glee and it feels so good but i cant stop thinking about Rachel's song why Celine i mean yes she loves Celine but why bring a song that contains memories i hope she doesnt start the nightmares, once we all stayed in her room and her house for 2 months after that son of a bitch broke her what kind of idiot does that whenever i see him my bare hands will be wrapped around his throat NO ME GUSTA NADA that son of a bastard.

I meet Quinn and Rachel outside the changing rooms and we head of to go shopping

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