glee audtion *edited*

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Rachel's P.O.V

After a long gruling lesson dad asks for Quinn, Puck, Santana, Finn, Sam and I to stay behind, i roll my eyes becuase if its me you add another 5 on thats how its been if i go others go thats how all of our parents accepted ever since the the things that went on they have been my rock

Rach:whats up dad

Will:i want you all to do join glee club

Sam:Mr Schue, i dont know, we're like the most popular kids in school if we join glee then...

Puck:And im not exactly the favourite in glee at the minute i mean how many people is there init


Quinn:Us girls will join, I mean my mums gone all "why cant you do more hobbies" on me so yh include me

Finn:Us guys will wait, we will try and get Mike to join

Will:thank you so much

Rach:It's fine, dad Quinn Santana and I are planning on going town after cheerios is that ok

Will:erm yh why not and are you all comming for tea later ?

All:of course

We all pile out and 2 hours later the bell rings signalling 5 period and thats glee, oh what a day I have had a pile of homework thrown at me its unbelievable so Quinn, Santana and I all pile out of 4th lesson and we head to the choir room and we hear

Kurt:Mr schue may i remind you we only have 6 members we need another 6 to enter invitaionals sectionals regionals EVEN nationals

Santana:were here (she says as we enter)were here to audition

Mercedes:do you even know what glee is

Quinn:Yes singing

Will:go on girls

Rach:ok (giving the band our song and the music plays)

(Rachel)The moment I wake up

Before I put on my makeup

I say a little pray for you

While combing my hair now,

And wondering what dress to wear now,

I say a little prayer for you


Forever, and ever, you'll stay in my heart

and I will love you

Forever, and ever, we never will part

Oh, how I love you

Forever, Together, that's how it must be

To live without you

Would only mean heartbreak for me.

(Santana)I run for the bus, dear,

While riding I think of us, dear,

I say a little prayer for you.

At work I just take time

And all through my coffee break-time,

I say a little prayer for you.


My darling believe me, ( beleive me)

For me there is no one but you!

Please love me too (answer his pray)

And I'm in love with you (answer his pray)

Answer my prayer now babe (answer his pray)

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