I remember

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Rachel's P.O.V

My day and night in alone has officially begun Quinn is with Noah for the day where he will then take her on a date and then take her back to his, and dad has gone out with some of his old school friends for a stag do for the weekend and here I am on my Friday day off doing absolutely nothing, well that's not true I'm seeing Jesse in prison later after yet another letter from him.

I woke up quite late today later than usual so I shower and I stand in my wardrobe for at least 20 minutes figuring out what to wear so I decide on a pair of black leggings and a plain white t-shirt with a navy blue thick cardigan and white converse. I apply a bit of make up and wear my usual jewellery and I'm ready to leave.

I grab my breakfast before I leave and I set off in my car dad is still the only one who knows I visit Jesse because I can't face telling the others because of how they would react.

I pull in the prison car park and lock my car before entering the prison I now know the security system as I'm forced into the other room quickly I sit down and wait looking around just plain walls I wonder what it's like inside.

"St James"

I can't believe I'm still doing this I follow the others and I'm lead into the meeting rooms where I see Jesse already sat down.

Rachel: Looks like I finally know the security system

Jesse: Rachel

He gets up and squishes me into a hug

Jesse: Please say you can stay longer

Rachel: Sure

Jesse: So how's everything

Rachel: Really good I got a job

Jesse: Really?

Rachel: Yeah it's my local sweet shop

Jesse: College?

Rachel: interior decorator, cooking and of course music

Jesse: That's amazing, and Quinn?

Rachel: She is now 7 months expecting a baby girl and she now lives with me and dad, she and Noah finally made up and Santana fount Brittany and now I have no one

Jesse: I know the feeling, but maybe he or she could be close by someone you never even thought about

Rachel: He or she?

Jesse: Well I kind of thought you and Quinn after I left

Rachel: We was best friends

I laugh because is that really what people thought about Quinn and I?

Jesse: Okay well what about Finn?

Rachel: We kind of just gave up

Jesse: Okay well anyone else in Glee club? Or even bars?

Rachel: I don't go out

Jesse: What?

Rachel: I'm kind of scared

Jesse: I guess that's kind of my fault huh? Look Rachel I'm so sorry for what happened I never intended to scare you I was a drunken mess and even you know there's better people than me out there.

Rachel: I know that but that night I can't shake it out my head. You screaming, shouting it's fresh in my mind every night

Jesse: I'm so sorry, you know I never meant to hurt you

By now he's in tears whilst I'm just sat staring into space reliving that night.

Rachel: I knew that because even though everyone hated you I couldn't I tried to but nothing no hate nothing. And then they made me testify in court and I couldn't I refused despite Santana and Noah forcing me to. I just ran, from everything the pain the heartbreak the constant stares I just ran from it all

Jesse: Then what happened

Rachel: I met my real dad on his way home I was miles from home I didn't even stop I just went wherever my legs took me

Jesse: God Rachel have you even spoke to anyone about this

Rachel: it's jut natural now

Jesse: No Rachel it's not it's been 4 years

Rachel: I'm fine honestly

Jesse: I know better than to argue with you

Rachel: Exactly so how exactly are you?

Jesse: Me? I'm fine I mean it's not home but I'm out in like 10 months so who knows maybe I'll go back to New York maybe we could meet up after I leave here and before I leave for New York

Rachel: Well we're not that close yet

Jesse: We will be Rachel Berry I mean Schuester you mark my words after this we will be best friends and then you'll never forget me

Rachel: We'll have to see about that

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