Another school day *edited*

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Rachs P.O.V

As the alarm rings i groan and hit the alarm to shut up.

It's 6am and dad is taking me to school today dragging myself out of bed I go into the bathroom and take a long needed hot shower to wake me up and keep me warm for the day after I'm done I dry my hair leaving it in curls and change into black disco pants and put on my grey long sleeved superman baseball tee shirt I add black converse and apply some make up thankfully I haven't got cheerleading today so I can dress casually.

Will: Rachel are you ready?

Rachel: yes

I grab my leather jacket and my bag and head downstairs to see my dad ready holding his briefcase and car keys I quickly grab an apple and we head into his car as I eat my apple.

We arrive to school 15 minutes later and I chuck the rests of my apple away as my dad and I separate ways I head to my locker first and take out my folders I need for my morning class I have art first and I absolutely love art.

Puck: hey Rachel

I see Noah walking to me smiling me and Noah are like brother and sister

Rachel: hey what's up

Puck: I was wondering if you wanted to walk to art together?

Rachel: don't we always?

I say closing my locker smiling

Rachel: so when are you joining Glee Club

Puck: maybe today

Rachel: yay Noah it will be amazing it will be so fun

Puck: I hope so

Rachel: Noah it will be fine everyone is so accepting

Puck: ok well I'll see you there then

We walk into art and sit at out usual table and get out our portfolios we finish art next month so we're working on our final project.

As I look through my portfolio I chuckle at some of the things Noah and I got up to we are quite the noisy students in the class but at least we complete the work set right.

We carry on with the class and then that's it for the day class after class and then it was Glee time Quinn wasn't in today for some strange reason and Santana left early for dentist so I sit at the back scribbling down on a notepad as dad comes in.

Will: ok so we're kind of short on people today so if you want you can just go

Suddenly Noah, Sam, Finn and Mike come in

Puck: we would like to audition today Mr Schue

Will: that's great please take the floor

Puck: ok I would like to go first

All the guys nod as Noah grabs his guitar and starts singing Sweet Caroline it ends with us all singing along.

All the guys end up singing Sam singing Every Rose has it's Thorn, Finn singing Can't fight this feeling and Mike singing Sing which leaves us all laughing.

Will: well guys that was amazing so you're in

Puck: yes

Will: you can all go now

Mercedes: finally

We all walk out and I catch up with Finn he seems pretty distant today I wonder why?

Rach: hey Finn I was wondering if you wanted to come round today?

Finn: uh I can't today I have to be somewhere

Suddenly he rushes out of school, odd what is wrong with him today

I ignore the feelings inside of me telling me something's wrong and I walk back to the choir room to see dad packing up

Will: you ready?

Rach: yup

We walk out and I'm still thinking about Finn we get into the car I'm still thinking if Finn, Finn and his mood is keeping my confused and worried what is going on?

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