Family time *edited and changed*

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Rachel's P.O.V

Emma left leaving dad and I to have some quality time she left around 6pm

Will: hey what about we go get a Christmas tree and decorate it?

Rach: really?

Will: YH why not make it more festive around the house let's go to the garden centre.

Rachel: Ok let me go freshen up

Will: I will be waiting

I run upstairs and I go to the bathroom and look in the mirror straightening out what I was already wearing during the day, I am wearing a black dress with white spots and a white collar that I ordered online. I am also wearing it with thick tights because of how cold it is out I finish it of with some and some dark red mixed with pink dolly shoes my ombré hair half up the rest down in curls as I sweep my fringe to the side, I smarten up my make up and head downstairs to see dad wearing his jacket and holding his car keys.

Will: ready?

Rach: yup

I grab my like warm denim jacket it that I had like wool or fake fur inside and I grab my bag as I lock up and meet dad in the car, he starts driving both of us listening and singing along to Christmas songs as we drive to a mini garden centre.

Will: ok so we need a tree and some decorations.

We both get out the car and it's so dark out and it's only 6:30pm but I guess that's winter for you we both walk in the centre and grab a basket as we look around for Christmas decorations we pick some things to hang of the tree and just a bit of tinsel after we've filled most of the basket we head outside where everyone else is going and look for the perfect Christmas tree.

Will: what about this one?

Dad says picking up a Christmas tree

Rachel: it looks perfect

Will: let's get this one

We then head to check out and dad pays for everything I can't wait till I get a job then I can help dad pay but I have to leave school first dads instructions. We walk to the car and stuff the tree in as much as we can and dad drives us back home.

When we get the tree in the right place which is in the corner of the living room we turn on some Christmas music and have fun decorating the house and the tree laughing about.

I love my dad so much he's helped me a lot whilst I've been living with him he's helped me concentrate in class and achieve higher grades so I'm able to graduate in 5 months and tonight has been really fun, we hardly spend any quality time together because he's either late at school or marking papers and I'm either doing homework or out with the others so tonight is really fun.

Will: well kiddo we did it

We stand back and admire the tree with fairy lights around the tree and sparkly baubles hanging of the ends

Rachel: I love it

Will: we've had a great night

Rachel: that we have dad

We hug and then dad makes us his famous Christmas hot chocolates they are amazing dad then makes us something to eat as we curl up on the sofa and watch tv.

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