I've made my decision

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Rachel P.O.V


Rachel: Calm down Noah he only asked me to go to New York and actually achieve something

Noah: You mean so it's just you and him see he's taking you away from us

Rachel: No he isn't he has said you can tag along but yet again you only hear certain bits when Jesse is involved and turn him into a monster

Noah: Rachel he hit you and was involved with gangs and drugs for god sake he got you in a club when you was underage

Rachel: Noah it was an accident he didn't mean to punch me I got in the way as for the club you was no better at the age

Noah: Is no one else going to back me up

Quinn: I'm out of this

Will: me too

Rachel: See Noah this is why I won't mention him because you carry on like this dad knew when I first went to visit him and Quinn found the letter I don't see any of them screaming

Noah: Quinn what do you think

Quinn: If she's happy Noah that's all that matters and if well Jesse turns again we'll be there I mean moving to New York is not so bad I mean we did want to go to America before Beth

Noah: Will?

Will: she's old enough to make her own decisions I mean I wanted her to go on Broadway when Quinn was expecting Beth but she turned it down to look after us maybe it's our time to look after her like we should of been doing and I have no doubt about Jesse he seems like a changed man

Rachel: See Noah they see it why can't you

Noah: Because it's Jesse St James

Quinn: I think he should read the letters

Rachel: Really?

Noah: What letters

Quinn: The 36 letters he sent her when he was inside honestly Noah believe us

Noah just sighs and sits down

Rachel: I know what I'm doing Noah it may not be the best choice going back but I'm old enough to make my own mistakes and if the mistake is taking Jesse back then I can deal with that but whilst you're all playing happy families who exactly do i have?

Noah: I guess

Rachel: Please Noah I need your opinion this means so much to me and you know it does

Noah: Okay do it but only if you want to

Rachel: I do Noah so much

Noah: Then go see him

Rachel: Thank you

I hug Noah and I rush out the door to my car and I drive to Jesse's hotel room knocking on it loudly to see Jesse answer it

Rachel: Can I come in

Jesse: Sure

He steps aside and let's me in

Rachel: I've made my decision

Jesse: And

Rachel: I'm going... If you'll have me

Jesse: I'll always have you

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