OC characters

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aiko tsuyoi: aiko meaning angel, last name. tsuyoi meaning strong, first name.

birthday: october 25th, 1994. (oikawa was born july 20, 1994). tsuyoi is a scorpio. 18 years old.

appearance: shaggy black hair, basically a mop on his head. icy blue eyes. he is of hispanic origin, mother was puerto rican, father is japanese. he has blush color lips with a small mole at the bottom of his right eye in the corner. his nose is shiny. he is 6'3 and has a six-pack. his skin is flawless from scars, he has a bit of acne on his cheeks though. muscular.

fears: his father and eventually losing oikawa.

basic information: aqua green is his favorite color. menudo (a pork stew that was originated from mexico) and sweet blueberry tea is his favorite food and drink. tres leches cake is his favorite dessert. also: arroz con gandules. (rice with pigeon peas a puerto rican dish).

likes: football, humor, money, his little sister and winning, oikawa but acts like he doesn't.
dislikes: losing, relationships (for the moment) and being second.

personality: a bit of a superior/god complex, but mostly keeps to himself when he isn't being bothered. he's the highest scoring academic wise in the school, with a 5.0 gpa, perfect scoring. he is very athletic and well observant. he knows every secret without you knowing. he has a tough wall so he seems rude and taunting. he loves teasing people. he never raises his voice, hates yelling as he knows his sister hates it.

pronouns: he/him

occupation: star quarterback. future nfl player. right now works at a local cafe.

father: not someone he likes to talk about.
name: tenshi yotta. tenshi, another word for angel, last name. yotta meaning drunk, first name.
birthday: june 12th, 1976. gemini. 45 years old.

appearance: long black hair in a slick man bun. burning red eyes, bit paler, his lips are always pressed in a thin line. has a scar going across his nose then down to his chin. 6'7. very muscular. a skull tattoo with a rose on the back of his neck.

fears: nothing.

basic information: not much to him. he hates everything and everyone. grew cold hearted when kireina died. a heavy drinker. there's many secrets as to who he is.

likes: his deceased wife, his two kids and now alcohol.
dislikes: lgtbq+, his two kids, tsuyoi and naību. (sometimes his feelings are complicated. one moment he likes his kids the next he doesn't, it'll be mention as to why soon).

personality: secretive and manipulative. sometimes rude but only when drunk. he's hurting. sometimes abusive. still a horrible person who used to be a good father.

occupation: unknown for the most part. he leaves during the day for business, returns at night drunk. although, it's a family business.

pronouns: he/him

mother: deceased. not a lot of information on her. name: aiko kireina, meaning beautiful angel.

appearance: long brown hair to her lower back. icy blue eyes just like tsuyoi, her skin was an olive brown. her smile was as kind as an angel and it was gentle. she had heart shaped lips, dimples and freckles.

birthday: march 30th, 1977. 44 years old, would've been 44 years old. aires.

basic information: unknown.

likes: her family, her job.
dislikes: being away from her family for far too long.

personality: the sweetest person alive. she was helpful and unique. she made everyone smile and laugh around her. she was stunning as well.

pronouns: she/her

occupation: she was a pre-school teacher.

siblings: a younger sister. aiko naību, meaning: naive angel.

appearance: she has brown hair like her mother, which goes a little past her shoulders, with a bit of silver streaks in from a birth defect. she has heterochromia eyes. one red (right) one blue (left). her nose is like a button. her lips are thin and small, closer to the red color.

birthday: august 30th, 2002. 10 years old and a virgo.

basic information: her favorite thing to eat is mochi, she has no preference for drinks. she's still in elementary school.

likes: her brother, her babysitter, coloring.
dislikes: yelling, her brother being angry, being separated from tsuyoi for too long.

personality: very smart for her age. she grew up too fast from the trauma that was on their family. (tsuyoi as well). she's still happy and always brings a smile to her older brothers face. she tries to help as much as she can. very reliant and also very observant. she's loud as well.

pronouns: she/her

occupation: none for the time being. future, takes over the family business.

best friend: iglesea marcos.

birthday: july 19th, 1994. marcos is a cancer. 18 years old.

appearance: messy white dyed hair, originally red but preferred white, sapphire purple eyes, slightly pale skin. bright pink lips that are thin, normal sized nose that always looks a bit scrunched, fairly tall 6'0, smooth skin compared to anyone (loves to moisturize), likes to have nails painted sapphire purple.

fears: not being accepted, tsuyoi realizing he could have better friends.

basic information: rather stay in and get japanese takeout (favorite meal) than go out and party. every friday tsuyoi and naību hang out and they chill. favorite place to go is the arcade because it causes fun memories with tsuyoi to resurface.

likes: football, tsuyoi, iwaizumi, naību, food, cross-dressing.
dislikes: homophobic people, tsuyoi's dad, the thought of losing tsuyoi.

personality: very bubbly, easily shy though. very self aware after an accident that caused a panic. always second guessing choices, but sticks with the first choice made. very sunshine-like compared to tsuyoi, complete polar opposite's. has a lot of confidence.

pronouns: they/them (i've never really written a they/them person so bare with me and let me know if there's something to correct or have a better usage of words)

occupation: linebacker on the football team, a future writer.

a/n: if you see me accidentally put he/him pronouns for marcos, please correct me kindly. like i said, i've never written a they/them oc character and i've always wanted to, but sometimes i get carried away and forget what pronouns to use and mainly type he/him because i mainly write male characters.

•boyxboy. don't like don't read.
•english is not my first language.
•lower case intended.
•correct if any mistakes.
•their names fit more for the story, you'll find out more the more you read.
•the football team(s) will also be oc characters.

~first chapter is up now. i'm very excited for this story and the many others i have plans for. thank you for reading and being here. :)

a/n: and check out my other published stories if you want!


Started With A Prank {oikawa x seme male OC}Where stories live. Discover now