chp: 3

385 18 3

wattpad fr posted this on pinterest i need some mf artist names 😭

"where are you going?" oikawa asked iwaizumi.

their practice was over, they both changed and wiped the sweat off their heads. iwaizumi was heading in a different way than their usual walk.

"oh, i'm going to see marcos."


"the middle linebacker on the football team."

oikawa straightened at that, he went ghostly white, "you're betraying me!" he whined.

iwaizumi blinked at him, scoffing as he continued to walk to the football field.

"if this is about aiko, you're fine."

"but i told you what happened! he's evil."


tasha laughed, "sounds like oikawa was very scared of you."

"of course i was! have you seen those scary eyes." tsuyoi rolled his eyes at that statement, "i mean if you met him in high school, you would be scared to. the power he had. the power he still has is still scary. but luckily it's no longer towards me!"

tsuyoi shook his head, "you're still a scaredy-cat. he was very timid around me."

"was not! just carry on with the story, tsu-chan!"


iwaizumi continued to walk, throwing his hand back for a tiny wave, "did you keep your spot?" he took oikawa's silence as a 'yes,' iwaizumi smirked, "exactly!" he yelled out, "you can join me if you want."

oikawa frowned, but he didn't like walking home alone. so he darted after iwaizumi, walking next to him.

"rude iwa-chan." he mumbled.

they walked to the football field, seeing they still had practice.

"what- it's almost 7:00pm, how are they still practicing?"

"their coach takes it seriously. so does aiko, he likes to overwork himself. he's like you -minus getting injuries- he always pushes himself. he hates to lose."

"how do you know so much?"

"i don't know a lot, idiot. but i talk to marcos."


"aiko's best friend and their linebacker. keep up."

iwaizumi walked to the end of the fence, oikawa had stopped at the bleachers. he wanted to stay back, but he couldn't get a good look at the football players. he was intrigued by the sport.

he saw a person with dyed white hair jogging over to iwaizumi. oikawa maned up and walked next to iwaizumi.

"hey haji." marcos said, they looked at oikawa, oikawa seeing they had light purple eyes, "you must be oikawa."

oikawa nodded, forgetting that he would usually boast about himself. but it was nerve racking for him to be on tsuyoi's territory.

marcos focused back on iwaizumi, leaning on the fence, their helmet resting over it.

"how's your shoulder?" iwaizumi asked.

"decently good. the trainers said i should be fine by the next game, coach has me doing simple workout routines for my shoulder. preparing me for our next game."

oikawa looked at them back and forth. eyes going to marcos and then back to iwaizumi, very confused on why they talked so casually. he turned his focus away from them and looked on the football field.

a certain jersey caught his eye, 4, they seemed really good in their position. he watched as in sync all the players went forward blocking the ones wearing aqua green instead of white. the number 4 took a few steps back, acting as he was about to throw it.

a few got past the white jersey blockers running towards number 4. he saw the male turn his head for a split second, he watched as the male had only a second to think before darting off. he stuck his arm out, pushing one of them away.

stiff-arming him.

he tucked the football in between his right arm and elbow, running as fast as he could. acting like he was in an actual football game. he turned to see two people running towards him for a tackle, one faster than the other.

number 4 slowed down and stopped as one completely passed him, going out of bounds. then he began to run again jumping and tucking his legs as close to his chest as possible, directly above the other person.

he landed, almost falling but he caught himself. he continued to run and run, making it to the end zone. getting a touchdown for his team in their scrimmage.

"atta boy, tsuyoi!" marcos had yelled.

oikawa had snapped his eyes to marcos and iwaizumi, seeing both of them focusing on the number 4 jersey male.

no, please no...

they took their helmet off to reveal tsuyoi. he shook his head, running fingers through his sweaty hair. he looked at marcos and gave a simple thumbs up with a smirk.

"ah, he's so cool!"
"we would be the perfect couple!"
"i don't see what you guys see in him, just because he's very attractive..."

oikawa turned to look behind him to see his fangirls. he huffed and turned away, crossing his arms and pouting.

"when did you guys stop talking?" oikawa asked.

"when haji asked a question and you didn't respond. you were pretty focused on tsuyoi."

"give me a break, i didn't know it was him." oikawa said, burning with embarrassment.

"hey marcos! you ready for the game friday?"

they looked to see tsuyoi jogging to them. marcos grinned.

"of course!" they puffed their chest, "i've been training."

"you better be. i need my linebacker back, it's very difficult dealing with them by myself."

marcos wrapped and arm around his shoulder, pulling him down a bit, ruffling tsuyoi's sweaty hair before grimacing and wiping it back on tsuyoi's jersey.

"you're the captain, you should be ready." they shoved tsuyoi away and focused their attention on iwaizumi, "will you come to the game? i can get you and oikawa tickets so you're not by yourself."

that caught tsuyoi's attention, he looked at oikawa who shrunk under his taunting gaze.

"oh, oikawa." he smirked, "didn't see you."

"seriously? you're so... so-"

"good looking? amazing? the best? trust me, i know. i don't need a reminder."

oikawa clenched his fist, biting his tongue. iwaizumi rolled his eyes, turning to marcos.

"yeah, we will be there. thanks." he smiled.

"would you guys like to walk home with tsuyoi and i?"

"sure, if it's okay with aiko." iwaizumi looked at tsuyoi, "is it?"

"yea, sure." he shrugged, smirking at oikawa.

"no!" oikawa said at the same time, hiding himself.

tsuyoi laughed, "aw, afraid? it's okay if you are. no one will judge you."

"i'm not!"

"good, then we will meet you two by the gate, yeah? sounds good."

"yeah it does." iwaizumi smiled.

marcos nodded, patting iwaizumi's shoulder, "see you guys in a few minutes."

they turned and walked back to where their coach was, ready to talk to him before practice would officially end.

Started With A Prank {oikawa x seme male OC}Where stories live. Discover now