chp: 12

181 14 4

⚠️this will not be in the interview⚠️
art creds: mmchig on twitter

football practice ended early, so marcos decided to wait for iwaizumi after his volleyball practice. the volleyball team was cleaning up when iwaizumi saw them, he smiled at marcos, then went to them.

"i'll change, we can wait for oikawa."

marcos nodded. they patiently waited for oikawa after awhile, and when he walked out, oikawa had a confused face to see marcos without tsuyoi.

"hey, oikawa," marcos grinned at the volleyball player, iwazuimi next to them. they looked around, frowning when they didn't see tsuyoi. "where's tsuyoi? i for sure thought he would've been here since he didn't show up to practice."

oikawa raised a brow, "you don't know?" marcos shook their head. "well, then, i don't either. some girl asked me out, i rejected her, tsuyoi confronted me-"

"he shoved you in a bathroom and talked to you?" marcos interrupted.

"yeah... how'd you know?"

"that's typical tsuyoi." marcos laughed, knowing the reason why tsuyoi did it.

oikawa shrugged it off, "either way, once he left the bathroom, he was gone."

"had to be important, we didn't get punished for tsuyoi not showing up. but coach was also gone, so it was just the assistant coach."

the volleyball players looked at them, eyes widened. there was no way the football coach was cruel.

"come on." marcos waved them to follow.

they did, it was quiet. iwazuimi shifted uncomfortably, glancing at oikawa. the captain of the volleyball team got the hint. this was serious, marcos wasn't talking, and they were talkative. they filled the silence and made everyone feel welcomed, now the atmosphere was eerie and tense.

all three walked all the way to tsuyoi's house, marcos in front of the two, they turned to them, waving them back.

"step off the porch." they said, "it'll be best to do so."

the volleyball players did, oikawa's heart was beating rapidly. marcos knocked on the door, taking a few steps backwards. after a few seconds a man opened the door.

oikawa and iwazuimi jumped back, this man was taller than tsuyoi. he had more muscles, his bun in his black hair was tight, his red eyed glared at marcos. the man scratched his neck, going over the skull rose tattoo. they gulped.

"good evening sir." marcos voice was different from his bubbly voice.

"what do you want boy?"

oikawa and iwaizumi saw marcos tense at the word 'boy' but said nothing. there had to be a reason why tsuyoi's dad refuse to acknowledge marcos as a person.

"we were wondering if you'd seen aiko, sir?" the two volleyball players caught marcos using tsuyoi's last name instead of first name like usual. "he wasn't at practice, nor was he at school. these two," they pointed behind them, "have a project due and he's their partner." they lied with ease.

oikawa and iwaizumi stayed quiet, not sure if they should talk. why would marcos have to lie?

"he went to cancún to visit his grandma. she fell ill and needs someone strong to take care of her. i had called him while he was at school to let him know, i have a job to run, i couldn't leave."

marcos looked at tsuyoi's father, they gulped slightly, stepping off the porch. they bowed, waving the two down to bow too, so they did.

"thank you sir, do you know when he'll be back?"

Started With A Prank {oikawa x seme male OC}Where stories live. Discover now