chp: 5

294 15 4

can't find art creds pinterest sucks at artists but it's the only one thing i have 😭 (besides tik tok, snap and instagram but those don't really have good art)

friday morning.

game day.

oikawa was laying his head on his desk, practice was exhausting for him. the first hour hadn't started yet, so he wanted to rest a bit, he closed his eyes.

"aiko, you're late." their sensei said.

oikawa opened his eyes, not realizing a lot of time passed, he shifted his head to face the front. tsuyoi was wearing white sweat pants, an aqua green game day shirt and a white coat over it. their travel wear.

"i apologize," tsuyoi said, "morning practice ran a bit late. you know how coach sinka is on game days."

"oh," mikota smiled, "of course! i forget your game days are on friday. i'll be at the game!"

tsuyoi gave a thumbs up, "i'll be on the field winning."

tsuyoi took his seat, looking at oikawa, who's eyes were already set on the football player. tsuyoi blinked.

"what?" he whispered.

oikawa ignored him as he grew frustrated. cursing in his mind on how tsuyoi gets special treatment just for being on the football team. why would he get to wear whatever he wants? there's still a uniform.

"oh, i see." tsuyoi wiggled his eyebrows, the eraser on his pencil poking oikawa's forehead, "you want to wear my jersey. that's why your staring at my clothes."

that made oikawa scoff, "there's no way in hell i would want to wear your clothes."

"then stop looking at them."

oikawa faced away, crossing his arms and huffing. the lesson drowned out around them, the only thing oikawa could focus on was tsuyoi poking his cheek over and over again with the eraser of his pencil. oikawa did his best to ignore him, but the slightest movement in his body language going to annoyance was all tsuyoi needed to continue. oikawa's eyebrow kept twitching in annoyance.

"would you stop that." oikawa snapped, turning to him, "it's annoying."

"i know, that's why i'm doing it." tsuyoi grinned, "it's a lot of fun."

"no it's not." he mumbled, facing away.

this time, making sure he fully ignored the football player. he made no movement of annoyance, it was like tsuyoi didn't exist. tsuyoi frowned at that, he hated being ignored.

a tiny idea popped in his mind.

he crumbled up a piece of paper and threw it, the balled up paper hit the side of oikawa's face, oikawa snapped his attention back to tsuyoi.

tsuyoi had a blank expression, which only infuriated oikawa more.

"will you be at the game?" tsuyoi asked.

oikawa's annoyance and anger quickly turned into surprise at that question. then, his eyebrows scrunched into confusion.

"i know marcos got you and iwaizumi a ticket. they really want iwaizumi to be there, but he most likely won't go unless you're there. but if you were to go, we would want you to enjoy the game and not feel forced to be there. so i'm asking if you will be at the game?"

"does the great captain want me at the game?" oikawa teased.

tsuyoi shrugged, "i wouldn't mind. but it depends on if the prankster wants to come."

"stop bringing that up!" he raised his voice, causing mikota to stop his lesson and turn to silence the two. oikawa lowered his voice, "i guess i'll be there." he mumbled.

Started With A Prank {oikawa x seme male OC}Where stories live. Discover now