chp: 7

256 13 6

art creds: ri_mumu

marcos had walked out long before tsuyoi. the two volleyball players were staring at the person, questioning as to why the male that's always with them is nowhere to be seen.

"where's tsuyoi?" oikawa asked as naību was re-adjusted in iwaizumi's arms. she had fallen asleep.

"oh, talking with the coach." marcos looked away quickly, "it happens after every game."

both nodded, not noticing the visible shift in their mood and in the air.

tsuyoi's experience?

tsuyoi was resting on his right knee as his left leg was up in a 90 degree angle. his arms draped over his thigh, his head bowed a bit as if he was greeting a king. his eyes glued to his cleat.

"YOU ALMOST COST US THE GAME!" coach sinka began to yell at tsuyoi. the captain flinched like he always did, "you slow down way too much! they could've tackled you in the end! just because you're captain doesn't mean you can slack off! be at the top of your game during practice and during nexts week game, or your benched for... for whenever i say!"

"sorry coach, i'll do better i promise." he shifted on his knee, continuing to look at the ground. "i won't disappoint you again."

"you better not, or you're going to be easily replaced."

"yes coach, i understand."

"dismissed." coach sinka began to turn and walk out the locker room, "you useless captain." he mumbled, but the tall male heard.

and his shoulders slumped. he stayed on the floor for a bit, those words repeating in his mind.

useless? almost cost them the game? is it true?... yes it is, even dad says those things. am i even cut out to be a football player? maybe i should forget football and focus on the family business... just like dad always wanted.

he finally stood up, going to his locker, changing out of his uniform and putting on his travel wear. he looked at the padding that goes on his chest, all the fun memories washed away as the yelling and mistakes -and every time he failed- came rushing in. he slammed his locker closed, grabbing his bag and walking out. his eyes on the ground as his heart ached.


"wow... that sounds-"

"horrible?" tsuyoi cut tasha off, "yeah. believe me i know."

"i apologize, continue."


he finally walked out, having three heads turn to him. but his eyes landed on his sister, he walked to iwaizumi. his hands slowly reaching out, but he stopped.

"uh... do you mind?"

iwaizumi raised a brow, "she's your sister. you don't need to ask."

right... "yeah, sorry." he grabbed naību, sighing when he felt the familiar warmth on his body.

he felt a pat on his shoulder, turning his head to see marcos. marcos cocked a brow, and tsuyoi only gave a gentle smile.

"shall we go?"

and so they all began to walk, complete silence over taking them. even though they had won, tsuyoi's energy was as if he had lost. no one could bring up and ask why, oikawa for sure thought marcos would've, after all they're best friends. but even marcos was silent, eyes averted as well. they knew something.

Started With A Prank {oikawa x seme male OC}Where stories live. Discover now