chp: 11

191 17 3

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tsuyoi rolled over in his bed and groaned, it was monday morning, and work kicked his ass. he wiped some of the oil off his face from his sleep, his hand going a bit over the mole he had beneath his right eye.

he rolled out of bed, hands on the ground as his body was in perfect push up position. he stood up, he had a long weekend, and he definitely did not want to go to school. but if he stayed home, his coach would have his neck and his dad would have his head.

tsuyoi needed to have his grades and strength at the top. he needed to be in top tier condition to take over the family business.

he went to his bathroom and washed his face, the acne on his cheeks have looked better than usual, so he was hoping to have it completely washed away. leaving little to none scars.

he had to wake up for early morning practice, so he needed to wake his little sister up to take her to his babysitters house since morning practice prevented him from walking her to school. luckily for him, on early morning practices he didn't need to wear his school uniform just yet.

he walked to his sister's room, seeing her already dressed in her uniform. she smoothed out her navy blue skirt, having a black button up shirt tucked in it with a white bow underneath the color of her shirt. she grabbed her navy blue sweater that goes over it, smiling at her older brother.

tsuyoi walked into his sister's room, patting her brown hair before grabbing a brush and beginning to brush her hair gently. being extra careful with naību's sliver streaks, she claimed they were more sensitive.

"what hair style will the pretty lady like today?" tsuyoi asked his sister.

"i want a poofy bun, but have like a braid crown going in front of it. like astrid from how to train your dragon!"

tsuyoi smiled, beginning on her request, "as you wish. ready to go see mai?" tsuyoi asked.

naību nodded her head, "sure am. you know when she drops me off at school she pats my head and kissing my forehead."

"oh yeah?"

"yeah." she giggled when tsuyoi pinched her cheeks, then kissed her forehead. "are you ready to see oikawa?"

tsuyoi rolled his eyes, shaking off his surprise. he said nothing as he finished her hair before grabbing her hand, walking towards her small desk and threw her school bag over his own bag. they then walked to mai's house.

when he dropped her off, he smiled and said goodbye to both. he ruffled naību's hair, causing her to whine and say she worked hard on her hair, when tsuyoi was the one to brush it.

he walked to morning practice, being the first to show up as usual. he changed into his practice gear, he had to be the first to show up. coach sinka has made it clear that he needed to do some alone practice every day before anything.

"alright tsuyoi, run five laps around the football field in under ten minutes."

"yes coach." tsuyoi finished tying his cleat, stretching his legs before walking towards the track field around the football field.

he put his hands in the ground, fingers flexing as his left knee was bent and his right left all the way extended. once coach sinka yelled at him to go he began to run as he knew he was being timed.

he managed to run five laps in 8 minutes and 12 seconds. the next he had to do was some regular football drills. the one he mainly did was when he ran in place, waiting for coach sinka to blow his whistle as he jumped on the ground, doing a push up and then jumping before running back into place.

Started With A Prank {oikawa x seme male OC}Where stories live. Discover now