chp: 13

174 12 4

uploaded by teresa garcia-gonzalez on pinterest but can't find the original artist, let me know!

when tsuyoi walked out of the bathroom, he sighed. he really hated having to keep his feelings shoved down. his feet echoed in the empty hall, his phone began to buzz in his pocket.

he grabbed it, cursing, he did not want to answer it. but if he left it to ring, then his father would have his head. he answered it and put it to his ear.

"yes, sir?"

"i'm sending you to cancún for a meeting. i need you home, i've called your school already. i have what you'll be wearing for the meeting and what you'll be leaving in. i have a car in the front for you already, after you pack, you will go pick up natalie. she's also going to be there."

"yes sir, i'll grab my school stuff and head out."

his father hung up, tsuyoi walked to his classroom and grabbing his stuff. he disappeared before the teacher even walked in. there was no time.

he got in the car, saying hello to ali. the old man drove off to tsuyoi's house. they arrived in no time, ali got out and opened the door for the football player. against the male's protest.

they walked into the house together. yotta greeted them.

"alright, i'll give the brief of it." tsuyoi followed after his father, "in this meeting, you'll need to gather 2,000 dollars each from them. they're in debt to me. you'll also need to gather information about their company's and what they know about enemy company's. gather a plan to infiltrate those companies and schemes for tax fraud, along with having a plan to frame them if in the future we were to get caught. you'll need to file it and organize it."

"yes sir."

"i trained you, you better not screw up."

"yes sir."

yotta opened the door to tsuyoi's room, there were three outfits on the bed.

yotta pointed to black jeans, black t-shirt, black coat with black shoes. "this is what you'll wear today, it's not a suit, but it'll show you still mean business. tuck in the shirt, slick back you hair, don't smile and make sure to have brass knuckles in the pockets."

"yes sir."

he pointed to the all black suit in the middle, "this is what you'll wear for the meeting. it will be at the office on top of the hotel. it starts at 6:00 pm and will last till 9:00 pm. more than enough time to get everything i need. keep your posture straight, stand tall, don't smile, hair must be slicked back and command respect and dominance. you will be leading this meeting." yotta went to the back of his pants pulling out a gun, putting it on the bed and pointing to it, "you'll use that if needed. mostly to scare them, but don't be afraid to fire it so they know you're not bluffing."

"yes sir."

he then pointed to an all black suit but the tie was red. "this is what you'll wear the day you come back. hair slicked back, have the gun and the brass knuckles. in the morning at 9:00 am, you'll be greeted by them. so you'll need to wear it, no sweats or what you wore today. you'll need to make them still respect you. we have dresses that will match your suits for natalie. do not disappoint me."

"i won't, sir."

"take a shower and change quickly and pack whatever else you need, understand?"

tsuyoi nodded. his father left him, tsuyoi went to his bathroom, shrugging off his school uniform and leaving it on the floor. he quickly hopped in the shower. washing his hair and his body. he quickly got out, drying his hair and body. he went to his room with a towel around his waist, putting on the clothes his father told him too. he packed everything else he needed.

Started With A Prank {oikawa x seme male OC}Where stories live. Discover now