chp: 8

235 16 6

art found on pinterest, let me know if you know the artist i lost the artist who created it! correct if you see spelling mistakes

tsuyoi slowly turned off the shower.

when marcos heard the water disappear, they frowned, the other two looked confused.

"he was in there longer than usual." they pointed out, they sighed, turning to the two male's. "listen, there's shit tsuyoi goes through that even i don't know about. but i think you'll be able to break his walls down." he pointed to oikawa.

before oikawa could utter a word of his surprise, tsuyoi walked down the stairs. he was wearing gray sweat pants and an aqua green t-shirt, his hair still a bit damp.

"pizza's here." marcos said, "i ordered you hot wings instead."

tsuyoi nodded his thanks.

"do you not like pizza?" oikawa said, tsuyoi shook his head no. oikawa gasped as if tsuyoi was telling him he shouldn't be a volleyball player. "how come?"

"too greasy." he rubbed his eyes, feeling very tired. hating that he always felt tired in marcos safe environment. "makes me sick."

it grew quiet after that. oikawa thought maybe because he was a football player and they had to be in shape, so the grease from any food possibly made him sick. but then he thought about marcos, they loved pizza. they said they could eat pizza every day, oikawa furrowed his eyebrows.

iwaizumi watched as his friend thought about the many possibilities. he gave oikawa a knowing look.

marcos had already set the table, catching everyone's attention and letting them know they could sit to eat.

oikawa sat next to tsuyoi, who ate his wings in silence. naību was in between marcos and iwaizumi, talking about something they both couldn't understand. she was speaking too fast, but they nodded their heads and threw in 'no way' every now and then.

"aiko," oikawa said quietly, hoping to not draw the attention of the other three, "why did you look down after the game?"

tsuyoi froze in his spot, slowly putting his wing down. his mind went absent for a moment, before he finally turned to face the volleyball player.

"don't worry about it." he cleaned his hands and mouth, "i'll set up the futons in the living room." he got up, picked up his leftovers, walked away, putting his leftovers in the fridge and leaving their sight.

oikawa thought it was his fault. but the sigh that left marcos' lips told him it was a weekly thing.

"i wish he ate more..." marcos mumbled.

when they finished eating they walked into the living room to see the futons already set up. tsuyoi picked the one closest to the door. the futons were spread out, iwaizumi and marcos picked futons next to each other. naību claimed they would pull their futons together and decided she would sleep in between them. that left a futon on the other side of the two in-love males. furthest away from tsuyoi.

and he was perfectly fine with that.

they watched as tsuyoi plugged his phone in and then plugged his ear buds in. the adapter he had gave him the opportunity to charge his phone and listen to music. he crawled into the futon, facing away from them. scrolling on his phone.

"is he always like that?" iwaizumi asked, curiosity lacing his tone.

marcos nodded, "i think the most amount of sleep he gets is when he's here."

oikawa felt the urge to move his futon next to tsuyoi, but held himself back. he thought it would be weird.

they stayed up to talk, tsuyoi still on his phone as he tried to make his eyelids feel heavy, but it never worked. tsuyoi wasn't the sleeping type, no matter what he tried. especially if there were other people awake.

Started With A Prank {oikawa x seme male OC}Where stories live. Discover now