chp: 20

91 4 0

oikawa's eyebrows twitched as tsuyoi took his math journal. the taller male looked at it, humming and nodding his head. acting like he didn't understand until reading oikawa's notes. it was a break, there weren't many students in the classroom, so oikawa thought it would be best to revise over his notes for an upcoming test next week.

"ah, yes, very good." tsuyoi commented, "i understand now."

"give me that!" oikawa snatched it back, glaring at the football player.

tsuyoi chuckled, "well damn, now i don't understand." he used his pencil to poke oikawa, "penny for your notes?"

"it's penny for your thoughts."

"not anymore."

"you're so annoying." oikawa snapped, the football player at his volleyball game long forgotten.

"thanks, i try."

"and iwa-chan called me annoying." the brunette crossed his arms and pouted.

tsuyoi's gaze softened for the briefest moment. going back to his teasing glint when oikawa looked back at him, that same pout on his lips when oikawa got his number. tsuyoi melted on the inside.

"iwaizumi may be on to something." tsuyoi nodded.

oikawa gasped, "i am not annoying!"

the few heads in the classroom turned towards the two, oikawa felt a bit embarrassed. he didn't mind when students -or anyone- would look at him, but not when he was trying to defend himself in an overly high pitched voice.

oikawa grew quiet a bit, looking at the ones staring at him. they turned their eyes towards tsuyoi, all snapped their gazes away and shook a bit. when oikawa looked at tsuyoi, he was just reading his book.


"what did you do to them?" tasha asked.

tsuyoi shurgged, "just glared at them. nothing too major."

"have you ever glared at yourself in the mirror?" oikawa asked, poking tsuyoi's cheek, "your eyes are already this cold blue color. imagine receiving your stupid little glare."

tsuyoi gave him a side glare, only moving his eyes.

oikawa squeaked, "see! that's what i mean!"


"do you really think i'm annoying?" oikawa asked, he was very curious.

"why?" tsuyoi looked up from his book. "did i hurt your feelings?"

oikawa pursed his lips, his feelings weren't hurt. he knew tsuyoi was teasing, besides he just recently called him annoying, so it was only fair that tsuyoi called him annoying back. but, oikawa wanted to know what he would do if he said yes.

"yeah, kinda." oikawa looked away.

"oh, shit, really?!" oikawa could hear a slight tinge of concern and guilt in his tone. but he couldn't say anything as tsuyoi carried on, first grabbing oikawa's hand. "okay, i'm sorry. i didn't know it would hurt your feelings." he felt tsuyoi squeeze his hand, his cheeks flared in red. he slowly turned his gaze to meet tsuyoi's, he stopped breathing. tsuyoi's eyes were shining brightly against the school lights. his mole beneath his eye was slightly crinkled as his face was filled with concern. "i promise i never intended to hurt your feelings, i would never want to hurt you mentally or physically. if you want, i can take you anywhere you want and make it up to you."

oikawa looked at their hands, feeling the warmth. tsuyoi's hand was slightly larger than oikawa's by a few centimeters, but that's all it took for their hands to fit perfectly and mold together.

Started With A Prank {oikawa x seme male OC}Where stories live. Discover now