chp: 2

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literally posted on pinterest by wattpad can't find the artist 😭🙏🏻

"iwa-chan he's going to kill me!" oikawa whined, holding onto his best friends shoulders. he began to shake iwaizumi back and forth, "why didn't you hit me earlier?! this is your fault for letting me try to pull a prank on you!"

iwaizumi deadpanned at him. he stared at oikawa, oikawa immediately let him go. he jumped back and prepared himself to get hit, but nothing came. 

"he's not going to kill you. he's a football player, he has more to lose than gain by killing you."

"you don't know! he could get away with it!"

iwaizumi rolled his eyes as he waved by to his friend, "see you at lunch." and they parted ways.

iwaizumi was thankful to get out of that conversation. he passed by tsuyoi on his way to his class. they both nodded in acknowledgement.

oikawa sat in his seat, twiddling with his thumbs. he felt an anxious feeling at the pit of his stomach, but had no clue why. he tried to think iwaizumi was right, but tsuyoi was just so scary.

"he's definitely going to kill me." he concluded, nodding his head.

as if saying it out loud to himself would ease his anxiety and his thoughts. which, it didn't. the silver lining of it made him even more jittery. he slammed his head on his desk, cursing himself silently.

he was far too deep in his head that he hadn't noticed the fangirls offering him gifts, he hadn't noticed his sensei coming in the room, he hadn't noticed anything till his teacher cleared his throat, gaining his attention.

"oikawa, i would appreciate you paying attention in my class now, and to someone who has now been recommended to joining our class."

oikawa looked at his teacher, "sorry sensei." he mumbled, running fingers through his hair.

he looked to the right of his sensei, ready to see the new student but paled.

it was tsuyoi in the front.

but the star football player had ignored oikawa's stare. he acted as if the volleyball captain did not exist.

"i'm aiko tsuyoi, i apologize for transferring in this class so late. sensei-akiado recommended i come in here instead of her class." he bowed 45 degrees, "some of you already know me though." he stood straight up and forced a smile, "some of you wish you didn't." he directed it more to oikawa without looking at him.

oikawa went a ghostly white. he gulped on nothing, feeling the anxious feeling resurface.

"ah! very good mr.aiko! please take a seat anywhere."

"anywhere?" tsuyoi cocked his head to his sensei, seeing him nod, "even that seat?" he pointed right where oikawa was sitting. "i rather like that seat, but it seems to be taken."

"hm, that is a good spot. it's not too far but not too close to the window. it's in the back and you have full frontage view of the classroom. it's just the spot for you!"

"wait a minute!" oikawa stood up, "i'm sitting here! it's my spot!" oikawa had no clue as to why he was defending this spot. he didn't even like it.

tsuyoi looked at him, eyes blank. they made eye contact and oikawa had shivered back in fear.

"is your name on it?" tsuyoi asked. "i don't see it, therefore, it's just a spot. sensei-mikota said i could have any spot, i want that one."

"there's a perfectly good empty spot right next to me." oikawa pointed to the only empty chair, "wouldn't it make sense to just take that one?"

tsuyoi bit his lip, not wanting to laugh. he would continue to taunt oikawa, finding it amusing.

instead, tsuyoi licked his lips and smirked, "well yes. but i rather like the seat you're in. come on oikawa, you're wasting time."

oikawa was getting frustrated, mikota was as well getting frustrated with the two. but he sided with tsuyoi, he liked football more.

"oikawa, just move over."

oikawa's mouth flew open. not once had any other student been picked over him. he had the perfect looks, the perfect grades, the perfect build. he was perfect all over.

he slowly closed his mouth, gathering his things. watching as tsuyoi walked to oikawa's desk. he looked down at oikawa as he continued to pack his things.

tsuyoi chuckled, "nah don't trouble yourself. i'll take the empty desk. you can have your seat."

oikawa clenched his fists, dropping his things back on the floor. mikota pinched the bridge of his nose, ignoring them and facing the board, ready to begin his lesson.


"you really didn't like oikawa, huh?"

tsuyoi laughed to himself, he opened his mouth but was interrupted.

"no he didn't. for the first few months and more he gave me hell. it was horrible!" oikawa whined.

tsuyoi pushed oikawa's face away, shushing him. "this is my interview, not yours." he turned to the female, "but he's not wrong. i didn't necessarily hate him, i just thought teasing him was hilarious. and i literally teased you for like a month, at most." he chuckled and shook his head, resting his hands on his legs. clenching the material underneath his fingers, oikawa put his hand over tsuyoi's, smiling gently at him as tsuyoi returned it, "now, let's continue, shall we?"

she nodded, everyone watching nodded.


the class dreaded on. oikawa glanced at tsuyoi every so often. trying to figure out his motive. or trying to figure out how tsuyoi had oikawa's death planned out. it was a long hour.

tsuyoi felt eyes on him, he turned his head and noticed oikawa quickly looking away. tsuyoi smirked and put his elbow on his desk. resting his cheek on the palm of his hand as he looked at oikawa.

oikawa straightened up, stiffly turning his head. immediately making eye contact once more for that morning.

"you seem antsy." tsuyoi commented, "very flattering that i have this effect on you."

"what?!" oikawa whispered, "if anything you're nothing but a bully. a nuisance. a terrible person. a cocky idiot. a-"

"woah there, no need to profess your undying love for me."

oikawa's face burned with anger. he bit his tongue, not wanting to snap at him. remembering that he was just trying to give him hell.

tsuyoi ran fingers through his hair, slicking it back more. he grinned at oikawa.

"dang, if only i had water to keep my hair in place. then maybe it would look better."

oikawa quickly turned his head and faced the front. focusing on the teacher, ignoring the football player right next to him. although, all throughout class, he could feel his burning gaze. he was practically making holes in oikawa's head.

oikawa knew though, he did it out of spite. he wanted to see oikawa snap at him. tsuyoi would've found it amusing.

the bell rang, oikawa quickly stood up, pushing his chair in and left. looking for iwaizumi during their break, he wanted to rant.

tsuyoi slowly stood up, stretching his limbs, waving to the few girls in the class, he began to meet up with his best friend -and trusty middle linebacker- marcos.

he was ready to talk about his eventful morning.

Started With A Prank {oikawa x seme male OC}Where stories live. Discover now