chp: 14

179 12 4

⚠️won't be in the interview⚠️
have given up on putting a photo as wattpad keeps getting rid of them on all my stories so no more photos 😔

it was the time of the meeting.

the morning they woke up, natalie was curled up to tsuyoi's side, clutching onto his shirt. tsuyoi woke up before her, staring at the ceiling of the fancy hotel room. he didn't move, sure, he rarely slept, but that didn't mean she couldn't.

they ended up grabbing a late lunch, knowing they would have a very late dinner because of the meeting.

natalie put on her dress, it was longer in the back and slightly shorter in the front. there was a slit on the right side of her dress, showing more of her thigh. her heels were tall, completely black and the heel of it was skinny.

"i could stab someone's eye out with these heels."

"that's disturbing." tsuyoi shook his head, tucking his buttoned up shirt in his pants.

"i think it's cool." she giggled.

he put a belt on, buckling it and grabbing his tie. he looked at it, furrowing his eyebrows a bit. he was never taught to learn how to tie a tie. in fact, most things a son is supposed to learn from his mother or father... he didn't learn. minus the illegal stuff.

natalie saw him looking at the tie in his hands. eyes just staring into as if he were trying to figure it out. she sighed, shaking her head. sure, they were practically in the same boat when it came to family, money, fame, and life... but, she knew more and had loving parents compared to the tall male.

she walked towards him, tsuyoi didn't even hear her heels clicking on the floor. he was pulled out of his thoughts when her smaller, manicured hand grabbed the tie. he looked at her, cocking a brow.

she put her hand on his chest, patting it slightly. "let me help, my mother taught me for this specific reason." she softly said, cocking her head for him to sit on the bed.

he sighed, walking towards the bed, he sat on it. she stood in front of him, looping the tie around his neck. she lifted his collar up, tying the tie and making it look neat and pretty on his murderous suit. she adjusted the collar back over the tie, smiling at him when he smiled at her.

he put on his coat, they linked arms, grabbing the hotel key and leaving the room. the air around them was tense and silent. the only sound was natalie's heels and tsuyoi's beating heart. he was beyond nervous. he didn't have days to prepare, he's practically walking in there blindly because of his father.

they went to the top floor, sighing as they were a few minutes late. like his father had texted him to do so. to make a grand entrance and establish authority. yotta made this meeting, so they're not expecting two 18 year old's. 

they found the room the meeting will be held. seeing the doors and walls were made of glass. anyone could see them, but know nothing about what's going on.

they looked at each, nodding in sync before picking their pace back up to the meeting room. tsuyoi opened the glass door for natalie, letting her walk in first. he shut the door behind him, grabbing her hand since it seemed more professional.

he walked to the head of the long table. not paying any mind to the ínstense stares, glares, gazes. none of it, he seemed as if he didn't care. but he clenched his fist when they started to dog whistle at natalie as if she were some chew toy to them. but either way, they didn't scare them, in fact, they're about to be scared themselves.

the only person who stood up from his seat to greet them was sinka. tsuyoi's coach. he was the only one to know.

"sir." sinka said.

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