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i found this on pinterest uploaded by the account @melytz34 but i don't think she's the artist so if you know let me know🙏🏻

"so, the story of oikawa and your football career ending ties together?" tasha, the female reporter asked.

"not exactly..." tsuyoi reminiscences, "my story with oikawa has nothing to do with my fall in football. although he plays a big part in helping me."

"oh, may you tell us the story of both?"

tsuyoi slightly smiled, chuckling, "yeah. although it will get sensitive at times. at least for me."

"take your time."

"i will. i'll start at the very beginning..."


"oikawa, i don't think you should be doing that." makki said, shaking his head at his captain.

oikawa dragged the coaches bench to the gym door. he stood on it, turning back to look at the team that was quietly shaking their heads at him. oikawa scoffed at their disappointment.

"and why not? iwa-chan isn't here yet, it's the perfect time." he hauled a bucket full of water over his head, he slightly opened the gym door to balance the heavy bucket on it, "this is my payback for him always hitting me."

"he's hitting you because you're stupid." matsukawa had stated, sighing out of annoyance.

the team had major respect for oikawa, but he was drawing the line this time. no one would want to feel the wrath of iwaizumi, no one would want to even feel the future demonic feeling they would get if oikawa proceeded with his little prank.

"oikawa i would listen to makki and matsu." kunimi had said, "it could end in major trouble."

oikawa's fingertips finished pushing the bucket fully on the door. he slowly released the small amount of hold on it. his hand backing away with no effort just in case it would fall off. he wanted to be prepared. once the bucket stayed on the door, he smirked proudly to himself.

he turned to his teammates, jumping off the bench as he grinned widely. he lifted his right hand, his index finger pulling his right bottom eyelid down. he stuck his tongue out and waved his left hand.

"ha, losers. iwa-chan would never know what hit him. besides, it's not like someone else would walk in. iwa-chan is the last person on the team."

it wasn't as if oikawa was wrong, but it wasn't as if he was right. he was a third year, he was acting a bit childish.

"uh i have a question." kindaichi mumbled.

"yes? what is it my underclassman?"

"why did you use a bench? you're pretty tall."

"good question!" oikawa picked the bench back up to return back to its original place, "i wanted to make sure i could see the perfect spot for it. didn't want it falling on myself."

kindaichi nodded, understanding it now.

"that's what you were worried about?" kunimi asked, having a hushed voice to not draw attention to himself.

kindaichi shrugged, "it's not like we could've stopped him anyways. better to know the full story."

there were murmurs of agreement at that statement. no matter what they would've said, their captain would tune upon deaf's ears. oikawa pays no mind to their advice, he was the captain why should he have listened to them talking him out of a bad idea?

he put the bench down and sat on it. he leaned forward and took a deep breath.

"when do you think iwa-chan will get here?" oikawa asked them.

Started With A Prank {oikawa x seme male OC}Where stories live. Discover now