chp: 10

210 16 5

please let me know the artist!

the first customer to come in was an elderly couple, they were regulars. and tsuyoi was their regular waiter.

he smiled happily as he walked to their usual table. they smiled and waved at the boy.

"the usual, i presume?" tsuyoi asked.

"you know us." the women laughed, touching up her white hair.

"change is not in our book." the man nodded, wrinkling his nose in disgust as his grey mustache moved with it.

tsuyoi laughed, causing the other two to laugh. he walked to the kitchen, immediately grabbing their plates. the cook had watched them come in and immediately whipped up their usual. everyone in the cafe knew who they were, and everyone loved them.

it was like they never aged.

tsuyoi came back out with the plates, setting them down. he went back to the drinks, making extra sweet regular tea for the wife and bitter black coffee for her husband.

he walked back out, "there you are, martha. and here you go, barnes." he set their drinks down, "enjoy. if you need anything, you know where to find me."

they thanked him, but before leaving he heard the same thing he heard every week from barnes.

"if you ate what i usually get, you'll be big and strong." then he flexed his muscles.

martha rolled her eyes at her husband, smacking his arm, as usual. "he'll break you in half like a twig, honey. now eat your food."

that always caused tsuyoi to laugh. it was the highlight of his weekend.

time flew by for the male, it was around 2:15 when marcos, oikawa, iwaizumi and naību walked in. tsuyoi was in the back, restocking the coffee beans so he did not hear them come in.

marcos immediately walked to a table in tsuyoi's area. iwaizumi sat next to them as oikawa and naību sat across from them.

"ah, marcos!" a female smiled, "you showed up right on time. i'll go let tsuyoi know he has more customers." she pivoted on her heel and left.

"that's kina," marcos said, "sometimes she serves me when tsuyoi is slammed. he's popular."

oikawa rolled his eyes, "he always is." but he looked at the menu, and when he saw milkbread he grinned.

tsuyoi walked out, smoothing down the apron he was wearing. his hair was a bit messier than when he left it, but that's what happens when you're unbelievably busy with fangirls.

he had this genuine smile where it made his icy blue eyes crinkle slightly. a dimple showed up on the left side of his face as he had slight smile lines from his wide smile. his teeth a bright white and perfect. his face was a tad bit red from working so much, but you wouldn't even tell from how happy he was. even his bits of acne shined.

he walked to their table, his smile never leaving. and when he looked at oikawa, his smile widened only slightly. not enough to give away he was happy to see them all.

and this sight made oikawa stop breathing. he couldn't take his eyes off that smile, he had never seen tsuyoi smile that big. it was mesmerizing.

"hey guys." tsuyoi spoke, his voice cheery. completely different from what he uses on a day to day bases.

"sup." marcos said, leaning their head back. "you know exactly what i want."

tsuyoi rolled his eyes, "i have a lot of regulars to keep up with, you'll have to remind me."

Started With A Prank {oikawa x seme male OC}Where stories live. Discover now