chp: 15

115 8 4


it was friday morning, tsuyoi came back wednesday night, but he stayed home thursday to recover his exhaustion.

oikawa was sitting in his spot, looking to see tsuyoi's spot still empty. he frowned at that. he was tapping the book tsuyoi let him borrow. he'd been reading it to get his mind off of whatever tsuyoi was doing, but wednesday night didn't help when they over heard practically everything.

mikota-sensei walked in, "let's begin today's lesson."

oikawa looked back to tsuyoi's spot, frowning because it was empty. but a knock on the door made everyone look at it.

tsuyoi then walked in, his usual fake charming smile wasn't on his face. it was blank.

"aiko! so good to see you, i hope your grandma is well." mikota sensei said. "it's disappointing there's no game tonight. since it'll be on monday."

he nodded, walking to his spot. oikawa watched him, his brown eyes on the taller male. tsuyoi sat down, no snide remark, no teasing, nothing. tsuyoi made no effort to say anything.

oikawa looked to see mikota sensei focused on his lesson. so, oikawa turned to tsuyoi. he never thought he would admit this... but he missed tsuyoi teasing him and annoying him.

so, he put tsuyoi's book on the male's desk. tsuyoi slowly looked at his desk. picking up the book, he open the book, flipping through the pages. seeing see through tabs with notes on them. along with his bookmark being in the same place he had it before taking it out for oikawa.

he looked back at oikawa, a tad bit surprised to see what he did.

"i re-read it when i got back home because usually i make notes. but since it wasn't my book i went out and bought those to make notes."

"you remembered my place?"

oikawa nodded, "you did say not to lose your place."

tsuyoi opened his mouth, closing it. he had words to say, but he couldn't say. he shook his head.  he looked back to his book, reading every little note oikawa made, a smile over came his face.

oikawa faced away, proud of himself for making tsuyoi smile. the class went by quick for tsuyoi as he continued to read the little notes before reading his book. it went by quick for oikawa because he watched tsuyoi being engrossed in the book.

or maybe, tsuyoi didn't care that oikawa was watching him.

when it was break time, tsuyoi grabbed oikawa's wrist when he got up. oikawa looked at tsuyoi with a raised eyebrow, the male got up walking in front of oikawa. finally letting go of oikawa's wrist when he stood in front of him.

"listen, marcos and i usually got to the gym after school every monday, wednesday before my shift and thursday. tuesday we do that as a team, friday is game days. but, under circumstances, we couldn't do that this week."

"are you implying you want me to go?" he smirked.

"i was getting to that." he flicked oikawa's forehead, "don't get ahead of me, let's dial that ego down, volleyball captain." oikawa pouted and rubbed his forehead. sticking his tongue out. tsuyoi softened at his childish antic, but stayed composed. "marcos invited iwaizumi, they told me about iwaizumi after they told me we can still go to the gym. but, uh, that was it. they're pretty upset with me because..." they knew i lied over the phone. "but, i was wondering if you wanted to come? we can workout together."

"on one condition." oikawa lifted his finger, "you stop being rude to me."

tsuyoi poked his nose, "good, because im not rude to you."

Started With A Prank {oikawa x seme male OC}Where stories live. Discover now