chp: 9

231 15 4

uploaded by kylee handy on pinterest but can't find original art creds, let me know!

the moment oikawa opened his eyes, he immediately snapped up, remembering last night.

he looked around, marcos, iwaizumi and naību were up and in the kitchen, cooking a breakfast. he smiled when iwaizumi leaned his head on marcos shoulder, hiding a small blush as the white haired person laughed, rubbing his back.

but he completely looked away, remembering he slept on tsuyoi's futon. when he looked around more, he noticed he was in his futon, he took a deep breath, and began calming down. he stood up, stretching as he yawned, walking to the kitchen.

"need any help?" he asked.

marcos looked at oikawa and smiled, "just set the table, tsuyoi should be back soon."

oikawa raised a brow, "where is he?"

"he's taking his morning run. he usually wakes up at 6:30 and starts to run at 6:50."

oikawa looked at the time, it was 8:20, he furrowed his eyebrows. even he didn't go for runs that long. or that early.

he must be tired. i woke up and ran to him a little after 2, i wonder when he fell asleep...

oikawa's face flushed red just thinking about how tender tsuyoi was, a light smile on his face when he felt safe.

the other two stared at him, expressions screaming that he was a weirdo.

"oik-chan, do you have a crush?"


but before naību could carry on, marcos's front door opened.

They turned their heads to see tsuyoi shrugging off his coat, taking his ear buds out and letting them loosely hang over his shirt. the cord already under his shirt. he nodded to the three.

he ran a few fingers through his sweaty hair, wiping his hand dry from his shorts. some sweat was dripping down the side of his face, his breathing was slightly heavier than usual.

oikawa looked to the ground, he hated the fact that he always thought tsuyoi was hot.

"let me shower real quick." he said, grabbing his bag and going upstairs.

oikawa turned to marcos, he watched as they held the spoon up, hand under it as they fed whatever they just cooked to iwaizumi. iwaizumi hummed, licking his lips.

"good?" they asked.

iwaizumi nodded, "very. you're really good at cooking."

"my turn, marcey!" naību said loudly, opening her mouth as she kicked her feet back and forth on the counter.

marcos laughed and fed her some.

oikawa thought about what it would've been like if he and tsuyoi were like that. he shook his head, not realizing time flew by until tsuyoi came down from the shower.

he was dressed in tight black slacks, oikawa moved his eyes up before he let them linger lower. he had a white button up neatly tucked into the slacks sleeve rolled up just below his elbows, his shoes were shiny but they looked comfortable. he had a few rings on his fingers. his hair was neatly brushed back, he looked more kept than his usual messy look.

"oikawa, can you get the mint tea in the fridge."

oikawa tore his eyes away from tsuyoi, nodding as he looked at marcos. not seeing the little smirk tsuyoi had.

oikawa opened the fridge, putting the tea on the counter as he grabbed the cups after marcos told him where they are. he began to pour everyone a glass, tensing as he felt a body really close.

Started With A Prank {oikawa x seme male OC}Where stories live. Discover now