chp: 16

149 8 3

tsuyoi yawned, covering his mouth slightly. he walked to his class. he had a long weekend with work again, but he enjoyed the regular costumers. then, his monday game where they had to travel all the way to tokyo to play it. so many hours on a bus with a big football team.

luckily for them, they won. coach sinka had nothing to say to tsuyoi. maybe he gained some respect from his coach during the meeting. tsuyoi shrugged it off, he didn't care if his coach tolerated him or not.

he had naību stay the night with her personal babysitter the night of the game, tsuyoi paid mai a little extra in order for that to happen. he did not want his sister home by herself with his father, he didn't know what he would do.

he finally sat at his desk, he needed a break. he looked over to oikawa, the shorter male prepared for some teasing, but was pleasantly surprised.

"your practice game is today, correct?" tsuyoi asked.

oikawa nodded, giving his charming smile. "still coming?"

tsuyoi nodded, "find me in the stands and you'll see my middle finger."

oikawa childishly gasped at that, not taking the football player seriously. "well, either way, that won't be for awhile. i have to get my ankle checked out before the game."

tsuyoi blinked, "you're unbelievably stupid."

"excuse you- i have the highest grades in this school."

"one: you don't. two: i do. three: just because you're book smart doesn't mean your common knowledge smart or street smart."

"oh? and you are?" oikawa retorted, not believing what he was hearing.

tsuyoi cocked a brow, he crossed his arms over his chest. oikawa couldn't help but look at tsuyoi's muscles bulging through the school uniform.

tsuyoi almost never wore the white coat that goes over the tan vest. he usually had the coat hanging on his desk chair or purposely leave it at home. the purplish-blue type button up shirt really contrasted tsuyoi's skin tone, making him even more attractive than he already was. the maroon tie made tsuyoi's blue eyes pop with a bit of more brightness. he always had his button up shirt tucked in with the tan vest loosely over it. and sometimes, tsuyoi didn't even wear the vest.

and don't get oikawa started on the brown plaid pants that had grey lines. those did justice to tsuyoi's thighs. oikawa hated that no matter what tsuyoi wore, he looked good.


"tsu-chan, you know damn well i wasn't checking you out. don't lie, we are on air." oikawa said, rolling his eyes.

"tooru... you had drool down your face."

"i did not!" oikawa smacked tsuyoi's arm, the taller chuckled, shielding himself from oikawa's hit. "you're nothing but a liar."

"i'm seriously not joking. i generally could've reached over and wiped the drool for you."

"you're disgusting!"

"and you're creepy!" tsuyoi fired back, leaning on the couch and cackling at oikawa's reaction.

"tell me why i love you again? you're so rude to me."

"i don't know, pretty sure it's my muscles."

"what muscles? i don't see any."

"oh, really? not even the ones you were checking out? you literally stare at my arms daily."

"not true!" as oikawa was staring at tsuyoi's bicep.

tsuyoi hadn't worked out in awhile, but he still had that nice build. tsuyoi blinked at him, turning his attention towards tasha. he pointed to his lover.

Started With A Prank {oikawa x seme male OC}Where stories live. Discover now