chp: 17

112 8 3

"would you like me to walk you to the nurses office?" tsuyoi asked, once they gathered all their belongings.

oikawa shook his head, "i'll be fine."

tsuyoi nodded, he left quickly to pick naību up from mai's house, telling her about the practice match. he then left mai's house, hoping to be back in time to see them start playing. he figured he still had a few minutes since karasuno would have to drive to seijoh. he stepped on his school grounds, leaving towards the gym to find marcos as they waited in the gym. tsuyoi and marcos had a small conversation waiting for the teams to pile in and stretch.

"hey, tsuyoi." marcos said, their lips pursed in thought. tsuyoi cocked his head, waiting for his best friend to finish their sentence, "how would you feel if i asked iwaizumi on a date?"

"why would my opinion matter?"

"just answer."

"he could do better." marcos whined at that and smacked tsuyoi's arms over and over again. "i'm kidding. just go for it, i find it cute."

"really?" tsuyoi nodded, marcos brightened, "i knew i kept you around for some reason."

tsuyoi chuckled, "alright, i deserved that." marcos grinned.

marcos then proceeded to ask naību, who was more than happy to hear that.

seijoh finally piled in, stretching as they immediately went to spiking drills. marcos kept their eyes on iwaizumi, a fond smile on their face as they watched him spike.

"impressive." tsuyoi mumbled.

"what position does oikawa play?" marcos asked, "better yet, where is he?"

"uh, setter i believe." tsuyoi knew though, oikawa could never stop talking about his skills before class started. but tsuyoi didn't want it to seem like he was listening. "and, he's getting his ankle checked out."

marcos nodded, not questioning anymore as karasuno walked in. tsuyoi smirked when he saw a familiar face on the crow's team. marcos saw his look, turning their eyes to karasuno, they then smirked as well.

"look at our little tobio~" marcos said, "he's so cute."

"sure has grown up." tsuyoi said, "miss the kid, to be honest."

marcos nodded in agreement. both of their eyes on the court as they watched karasuno stretch and get ready to warm up and practice too. tsuyoi studied them, it seemed like there weren't enough players on their team.

"they might be missing some players." they both said at the same time.

then, they laughed and leaned back in their seats. naību adjusted herself in tsuyoi's lap, continuing to watch and wait for the practice match to start.

they watched as they put on practice jerseys, lining up at the end of the court. bowing and thanking them for the game before the starters went on the court in their positions. tsuyoi knew nothing about volleyball, but the orange haired male was rather small, so, he decided he would watch him more closely to see what he was like.

the match started, definitely not going into karasuno's favor. tsuyoi couldn't help but snicker each time the shrimp would mess up or bump into someone.

marcos rolled their eyes at their friend, "i don't know why you're laughing," they began, "you were worse on your first game as captain."

tsuyoi pouted, "you don't have to remind me." he crossed his arms and looked away, waiting for oikawa to come and play.

his whole reason for agreeing was to watch oikawa play, not his team.


"did you learn anything about volleyball?"

Started With A Prank {oikawa x seme male OC}Where stories live. Discover now