chp: 4

355 20 7

can't find the artist please let me know if you know

"iwa-chan, we can just leave and they'll never know."

iwaizumi looked at him, blinking as he was growing annoyed.

"aiko really isn't all that bad. he's a good friend."

"easy for you to say, he won't kill you."

"who will kill you?"

oikawa jumped at that familiar voice. he stiffly turned his head, noticing that tsuyoi and marcos weren't in the uniforms. they were in their regular clothes.

tysuyoi was wearing gray jeans and a black hoodie. black nike high tops. marcos was wearing white sweatpants and a red long sleeve shirt. he was wearing black slides and black socks.

"no one..." oikawa said.

"i sure hope not." tsuyoi began. oikawa's heart skipped at beat at those words for some reason, "who would i get to tease if someone were to kill you?" oikawa frowned at that. tsuyoi smirked.

tsuyoi stuck his hands in his hoodie pocket. keeping eye contact with oikawa. it was silent for a bit before marcos nudged tsuyoi's arm.

"c'mon, it's getting late and i'm hungry."

"i agree." iwaizumi said.

marcos began to walk, practically pushing oikawa away from iwaizumi. tsuyoi had to laugh at that. oikawa's expression was priceless, his mouth hung open as he watched his best friend interact with tsuyoi's best friend.

he turned to tsuyoi, "aren't you going to stop that?! marcos is ignoring you for iwa-chan."

tsuyoi looked at him and laughed again, walking forward as he grabbed oikawa's collar. making oikawa walk next to him as they stayed behind marcos and iwaizumi.

"you don't know?" tsuyoi asked.

"know what?"

"marcos is head over heels in love with iwaizumi. who am i to stop it? marcos is their own person."

oikawa was silent, he crossed his arms. he didn't mind iwaizumi not talking to him, he can already tell iwaizumi likes marcos as well. but, he did mind having to walk NEXT to tsuyoi. that was his worst nightmare.

"hey, tsuyoi." marcos glanced behind them, "do we need to go to mai's house?"

who's mai? oikawa thought.

tsuyoi nodded, "of course. we need to pick my sister up."

"you have a sister?"

tsuyoi nodded, not saying much more.

as they continued to walk, oikawa took subtle glances at tsuyoi. his mind all over the place. the walk was quiet, it was different and calming.

tsuyoi was a completely different person outside of school.

he's not putting up the act of the golden boy. he's not taunting anyone or showing off his skills or who he is. he's not even smiling, he's just quiet.

"glancing at me won't mean you'll know me. i hope you know that." tsuyoi said, his hands now in the front pockets of his jeans.

oikawa huffed and crossed his arms, not saying a word. oikawa wished he was next to iwaizumi, at least than there would be some type of noise. but from what he can hear, marcos is the only one speaking. marcos is the more social one out of them.

"tsuyoi, we're here."

tsuyoi turned his head, nodding when marcos looked at him. the three stayed behind as tsuyoi opened the small gate and walking up the walkway to the small steps. he rang the doorbell as he went back down the steps and face the front door.

Started With A Prank {oikawa x seme male OC}Where stories live. Discover now