chp: 18

114 9 4

oikawa lifted his fingers in an okay sign and closed his eyes as he spoke. "it's fine. i can get back to regular practice. it was just a slight sprain." tsuyoi wanted to hit oikawa for that response.

"for crying out loud! be careful." he got scolded by coach nobuteru. "you're the one that asked to play against kageyama. what do we do without our official setter? it's embarrassing."

oikawa dropped his okay sign, opening his eyes. rubbing the back of his neck in a fake manner.

"i'm sorry."

tsuyoi shook his head.

"oikawa-san, take care of yourself!" one of his fangirls said.

"was aiko hurt too? he was with oikawa." another said. "aiko, you take care of yourself too!"

they were distracted from their concern when both males looked up at them. quickly becoming flustered from the two attractive males. oikawa gave a closed eyed smile and waved to them. tsuyoi just waved.

oikawa turned his attention to his team, talking to them as tsuyoi talked to the coach. telling him that his plays were successful in practice and they would try it out in a game.

tsuyoi faintly heard someone from karasuno talking about the two, more than likely because they both took the female's attention in a matter of seconds.

"oikawa." tsuyoi said, catching his attention, the male cocked his head. "you got fans."

oikawa turned and looked, making eye contact with kageyama. "yoo-hoo, long time no see, tobio-chan." oikawa waved, a closed eyed fake smile on his face. "it's good to see you." his tone was fake.

"it's been awhile." tsuyoi said, kageyama nodding towards the football.

oikawa didn't like tsuyoi giving kageyama attention. so he went back to talking.

"still doing that king thing?" oikawa asked.

"of all things to say, you say that?" tsuyoi sighed, "you're childish."

oikawa was offended, but he did his best to ignore that statement.

"i learned serving and blocking by watching him play. his skills are extremely high." kageyama admitted to his team. "i also went to the gym and on runs with tsuyoi."

"that's a big thing to admit." tsuyoi mumbled.

oikawa was not fond of kageyama spending time with tsuyoi, he did not like that they worked out together in the past. but he had that now, so that's all that matters to him.

oikawa and tsuyoi went back to focusing on the team and coaches. both ignoring tanaka's stare.

"anyway, go get warmed up. even more than usual." the coach said, pointing to the side of the gym.

oikawa put his hand on the back of his head, giving a sheepish look. "okay. see you after the game, tsu- aiko."

tsuyoi watched him walk away, "his personality is fake." he concluded.

he turned to walk the opposite way, hearing the girls scream at both oikawa and him. oikawa glanced back, his eye going onto kageyama with a glare, then it shifted to tsuyoi who was walking past the karasuno side. his heart beating rapidly.

tsuyoi felt that same shaved head guy stare at him. tsuyoi wasn't going to bat an eye, but he heard him talking about how he would crush oikawa and how tsuyoi shouldn't even be on the court since he wasn't a player.

tsuyoi stopped walking, next to the bench that a coach would usually sit at. the karasuno members stiffened at that. he turned his head, glaring at the bald guy. even kageyama straightened up at the look.

Started With A Prank {oikawa x seme male OC}Where stories live. Discover now