Chapter 1

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Screams can be heard, at the venue. Full of university students gathered around for their festival, students and the girls are having fun.

"Thank you, Everyone!"

The girls rush to backstage and hurriedly went inside the van.

"I love you Yong unnie!"

Solar gave a wave to the crowd.


The crowd goes crazy when the other members wave their hands to the crowd.

"Wow! That was awesome." Solar told the other members.

"It is! I love how the crowd responds and the way they cheer us." Wheein said.

"The Fan chants!" Moon Byul said.

"Unnie? I want to eat some gopchang and some samgyupsal." Hwasa said to Solar.

"Okay! We did great!"

Hwasa gave a wink to Solar.

"ah! She's acting cute. Gross~" Wheein said.

"HAHAHAHAHA~ Do it again Hyejinah~" Said to Hwasa.

"Ahhh! Stop! Gross~" Wheein said.

"Everyone~ Everyone~ stop it or I will not treat you guys."

"Wow! Yong unnie is treating us some food!" Wheein said with amusement.

"Don't use the company's card."

"No~ I'm treating you guys for real."

"Ohhh~ She's earning big on her youtube channel," Hwasa said.

"No~ No~ Aigooo~"

It was the night that their lives will be changed forever. When they arrive at the BBQ restaurant near the

Company building.

"Annyeonghaseyo!!" They greeted the owner of the restaurant.

"Unnie! I want beef!" Wheein said to Solar.

"Uhmmm~ I want gopchang and Samgyupsal." Hwasa told Solar.

"are you that Hungry?"

"Unnie! Me Doenjang and spicy chicken soup." Byul said to Solar while looking at the menu.


"Aigoo~ you girls look so thin. Please eat more and gain some weight~" the Ahjumma said to them.

"Aigoo~ We will~" Wheein told the ahjumma.

*Krruuk Krruk Kruuk*

"Oh?! Unnie? Your stomach's too loud." Byul told Solar and the 2 young girls just laugh at her.

"I'm hungry also!"

They eat the food served to them with gusto, each of them went to their respective homes after dinner and rested. It was a full packed schedule that day, Universities are back also international engagements for the group and solo activities.

It was 3 am MoonByul is having a hard time falling asleep, she's playing a game on her phone to feel sleepy. She saw Wheein's name pop up and it's a call.

"H-Hello~?" She heard Wheein's voice is cracking.

"Wheeinah? What's wrong?"

"U-unnie? *sniff*"

"Yah! Jung Wheein!? are you Crying??"

"M-Miyoung Unnie~"

"What Happened??" She sat up and biting her fingernail.

"She's dead, s-she got into an accident."

"WHAT?!?!" her voice is trembling.

Wheein told her the whole story, of one of their closest unnie in the company that supported them thru thick and thin, When the call ended MoonByul went inside her bathroom and splash water on her face and she looks at herself in the mirror, then she thought of Solar she grabs her phone and she sent a text to Wheein asking if she tried to call Solar.

From: Jung Whee-run

"Yes, but she didn't answer my call. I guess she's asleep now."

She sighed and she changes her clothe and grabbed her bag and cap.

Solar was in a deep sleep, she felt something is shaking.



"Who's calling me?"


"Why the building is shaking? Is it an earthquake? I need to grab Yongkeey!"

"Yah~ Yong!"


Solar slowly opens her eyes and she saw MoonByul beside her.


"My Ears~"

"Yah! Why Are you here?"

Then she saw the puffy eyes of MoonByul, and red nose.

'Did she cry?'

"I need to tell you something."

Solar sat up and she faces MoonByul.

"W-what is it? You're making me nervous, Byulah."

"*SIGH* Something happened, I know you don't want to hear something like this." MoonByul grabs Solar's hand.

"It's about Miyoung Unnie."

'D-Don't tell me!'

"S-she pa-"

"No! T-This can't be!" She didn't let MoonByul finish what she's telling her.

MoonByul grabbed Solar for a hug because she is shaking.

"yah~ It's too early to barged in Byul!" Yonghee unnie went to Solar's room.

Then she heard Solar's crying and plea.

"What Happened?"

MoonByul told everything to Yonghee and she hugs Solar tight. They both know how close Solar and Miyoung.

"Byul? Stay with her." Yonghee told Byul to stay beside Solar.

"I will unnie." She removed her cap and jacket then she lay beside Solar.

"Let's go Yongkeey." Yonghee called their dog, and she closed the door.

Then MoonByul heard her sobbing, she just hugged her tight.

She kissed Solar's head.

"Everything will be fine."


Hello Everyone~~

I'm trying a new pairing which is MoonSun, I just want to try something new.

I hope you'll like it, this story is still under construction.


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