Chapter 10

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When Yongsun arrived at her apartment, Byul helped her walk-in while Wheein and Hyejin are in tow behind them, Byul put her on the sofa.

"thank you for taking care of him." Yongsun said to Wheein.

"It was an easy task, to begin with, he loves playing with me and it makes my heart happy When I saw him, besides I'll be busy with my solo and group activities," Wheein said while rocking Kyuyeon.

"You can put him inside the room."

Hyejin is busy in the kitchen trying to cook a decent meal for them. While Byul changes her clothes and she helped Wheein on taking care of Kyuyeon thankfully his still asleep.

"Unnie! Do you have truffle oil?" Hyejin asked.

"I think I have, just check the cabinet above you Hyejinah~" Yongsun remove her make-up and change her clothes.

"I will make Kyuyeon's baby food." Byul said to her.

"Okay thank you Byulah." Said Yongsun.

The four of them start eating and they heard a small sob on the baby monitor, Byul get up and she carried Kyuyeon in her arms and he keeps on crying and Yongsun stood up and prepares his food and milk.

"Look at them. Just like a real family." Wheein said Hyejin smacked her.

"They are family. We are family." Then Wheein cringes at what Hyejin said.

"Annyeong~ How's your sleep sir?" Wheein asked Kyuyeon but he just yawns and scratches his ear.

"Oh~ Still sleepy? But you have to eat first, sir, aunt Wheein here will feed you." Hyejin said.

"No! I'm still eating, Yongkeey will feed him." Wheein said and they chuckled.

Both Byul and Yongsun take turns feeding him, then Byul washed the dishes and Yongsun washed the baby then they put him on his baby bouncer.

"So Unnie? Did you check the house?"

"Byul always did that part, she just sends me photos and it's almost done already."

"That's good then, unnie you should take care of your foot just have some rest for a while, just focus on recording and just catch up for the dance routine later on." Wheein said.

"Yes, I know. I will ask Cosmic unnie about the songs that are included in our new album." Yongsun said.

" and~ you can stay here with this handsome guy here."

Yongsun stared at Kyuyeon who's busy looking at Hyejin's antics, and he gave him a hearty laugh.

"I can ask omma and his nanny for help."

"I think too! Byuli, unnie will be practicing also and she also has some collaboration and TV guesting."

"Don't worry Yong, I'll cancel some of my schedules to take care of you."

"Byulah! Don't Omma will be here so don't worry, Beside Big Yong will be here also."

"But I want to."

"I know but it's a waste if you don't go to those schedules." Yongsun said.

"Okay fine, but I'll make sure I will be home early." Then she smiled at Yongsun.

When the 2 young girls left the house, they put Kyuyeon to sleep because he is starting to whine. Then they went to bed cuddling but making sure that her injured foot is on top of the pillow safe and sound.

"hmmmm~ you smell good." Byul said to Yongsun's ear, Yongsun instantly bit her lower lip to hold her moan.

"hmmm~ Don't Byulah I'm injured remember?" Byul sighed and she just gropes Yongsun's breast and stares at the ceiling.

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