Chapter 11

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It was planned a long time that they will have series of concerts, and that year they will have a world tour. The concert will start in Seoul then they will be held next in Europe. They've been very busy preparing for it that both MoonByul and Solar don't have time for Kyuyeon, they left him to their parents care they knew that eventually, this will happen because first of all Kyuyeon was not in the picture when they set the dates and other schedules.

"Everyone~ Let's start from the top?" Solar said and instantly she can hear groans from other members. "Unnie! I'm still drinking!" MoonByul said.

The door opens and they saw their manager entered the practice room.

"Noona, your mom is here she's waiting at the lounge." Solar instantly asked permission to check her mom.

"Omma?" She called and she saw her Omma drinking some tea, then she turns her head saw Kyuyeon drinking his milk When Kyuyeon saw Solar he instantly let go of the feeding bottle and he starts crying and he put his hands up asking to be carried by Solar.

"What are you doing here? I'm still at practice." She carried Kyuyeon and she starts patting his back he leans to her shoulder and sucking his thumb. "He's fussing. He misses you, both of you, and his birthday is a month away from today?" She sighed and nods. "Yes, We will be in Europe on his birthday, we will have some series of mini-concert there and then we will be back after 3 weeks." She said.

"it's his first birthday and both of you will miss it. I will talk to Byuli's mom to organize some birthday party, how pitiful my grandson is." Then Byul arrives at the lounge with the aunts. "Annyeonghaeyo~" the 2 young girls greeted Yongsun's Omma. "Oh! you're here!" Kyuyeon saw Byul and he lifts his head and instantly asking to be carried by her, she lifts him and caresses his head. "Aigoo~ What are you doing here, son?" Byul asked Kyuyeon while tapping his chubby cheeks.

"He's throwing tantrums, he misses you both that's why my grandson is here." Yongsun's Omma said. "And also Yonghee reminded me that his birthday is next month already, and both of you will not be here on his birthday." Byul gave the baby to Wheein because he wanted to be carried by his fave aunt.

"I know. I think we will be celebrating ahead? or after his birthday. A simple celebration with our closest friends will be there." Byul suggested. "Unnie? I think you can bring him to our concert?" Wheein said while playing with Kyuyeon. "She's right! just bring him with us, I mean 2 days before his birthday just bring your family with him, Eommonie can travel with him." Hyejin suggested.

"We'll think about it but for now we still have to practice, Let's go!" Yongsun said. "Manager Unnie said we will have some dinner outside! so she gave me this." Wheein shows the black card. "Assa! we will treat you Omma!" Yongsun drags her mom and Byul carried the bags and the stroller.


One night Byul arrives at their house tired and she feels like she might have a fever. All of them are on their mini-vacation before the world tour will start. She washed her face and wear her pajamas, she drinks some aspirin and lay beside Yongsun.

"oh? you're here already? did you eat?" Yongsun asked Byul. "I did but I'm not feeling well." Yongsun instantly touched her forehead and under her chin. "You're having a fever, I'll get some aspirin." She ties her hair and stood up but Byul grabs her hand and pulled her back to the bed. "Stay. I already drink some aspirin." Yongsun sighed and she instantly lay back beside Byul.

"I think, we are an old married couple." Yongsun said. "Yes, we are." Byul replied. "But we are not ready to be a parent." Yongsun said and sighed. "Yes, but it's starting to sink in now. I need to do well on everything like I need to ace on changing diapers and making baby food for our son."

'our son'

Yongsun chuckled. "Yeah he's a kinda picky eater, and he starts to stand on his own now" Byul grabs her phone and she shows Yongsun a video where Kyuyeon stood up on his own but fall on his bum, then they hear a fuss in the crib. Yongsun stood up and she saw that Kyuyeon sleeping in his fave sleeping position. "Byulah~ Look at him. He sleeps on that position always." Byul stood up and checks Kyuyeon. "He looks like a frog." He took some photos. "A handsome and cute little frog." Byul said.

"Let's have some sleep. Tomorrow will be a warzone when this little guy woke up." Byul said.

"Good night." Yongsun said and she cuddles close to Byul.

"Good night, Love." Byul replied and she kissed Yongsun's forehead.

But Yongsun tilts her head asking for a kiss on the lips and Byul gave in to her request.

a Sweet Kiss.


Author's Note:

Annyeong Yeorubun!!!! I hope everyone is doing great, I know it's a short update. I'm struggling with both building the story and life. Please leave some nice comments (Your comments give me strength and happiness!) and Like! And also take care yeorubbbun!!!

Enjoy! ❤

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