Chapter 23

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"Ugh~" Wheein groaned, then she stood up and went to the bathroom to do her business.


She heard Ggomo and she open the door and saw him waiting at her door.

"I'll get your food." She walks downstairs, her house is huge for her, she lives there alone with her cat. Sometimes the neighbor's dog goes to her house to play with her cat A.K.A Kim Yongkeey. A week from now no more Yongkeey, No more Kyuyeon, and no more Unnies. She sighed while sipping her coffee looking at Byul and Yongsun's huge house. "Yah! What are you staring at Unnies house?" "YAH! Ahn Hyejin! you gave me a heart attack!" she held her chest and she breathe in and out to calm herself.

"They'll be leaving soon." Wheein said.

"I know. I feel sad, we've been together for a long time that move is a major shift for both of them especially for their careers."

"They love Kyuyeon like their own. If they don't love him that much they won't budge, they'll just let the kid grow in a toxic environment, and even I don't want to do that I want Kyuyeon to be happy." Wheein said. "I'll go to your place Hyejinah~ give me some food~" Wheein went to Hyejin's house to eat her breakfast.

While their eating, they saw Kyuyeon playing outside with his scarf and gloves on it starts to get chilly. They just watch him till he vanished maybe he went inside.

"I'll miss him, he is so fun to teach him dance maybe he is a dance genius like me." Wheein said.

"Maybe~ Omo! Omo~" Hyejin saw Kyuyeon leaning on her glass sliding door trying to look inside the house. "Wheeinah take his picture." Wheein took a photo of him looks so cute with his wavy hair and red nose.

Then Hyejin slides the glass door. "What are you looking at? Where's your Omma?" Hyejin said. "Imo? Why you don't have eyebrows in the morning." Wheein heard and she burst out laughing. "Aish~ come in it's cold." she let him enter the dining area. "Imo Wheein!" He hugs her. "Why so early strolling outside? It's cold outside, good thing you have your scarf on." Wheein said when she removes his scarf and gloves.

"Do you want some bacon? egg? or just toast with jam?" Hyejin asked him. "bacon and eggs and toast." he grins at his Imo. "Wow! did you have your breakfast already?" he shook his head. "Nope! not yet I wake up early and Omma and Mama they're still asleep." He said while drinking the milk that Wheein handed him.

"Careful it's kinda hot, we need to cool it down first before you can drink it. I will just blow it for you." Wheein said. "Did you leave some message for your moms that you're here?" He shook his head. "But I just wrote. I'm outside and put it on top of my pillow." He said and he starts eating bacon and his eggs. "Thank you for the breakfast Imo." He said.

Hyejin kissed his forehead and Wheein hold Hyejin's hand under the table and squeezed it. " So? Wh-" "Why you don't have eyebrows in the morning?" Hyejin was cut off by Kyuyeon's sudden question about her eyebrows. "Uhmmm~ I have but it's thin I just need to grow some more." He nods. "Omma also have thin eyebrows. hmm.. maybe like yours." Wheein Laughed. "Imo Wheein? Mama said I can have a new dinosaur toy when we got there." He beamed and gave them the brightest smile every time he talks about dinosaurs. "Really?" Wheein asked while wiping his mouth with wet wipes, full of bread crumbs and strawberry jam. "eung!~"

'I will miss this.'

'I will miss him so much.'

Both Wheein and Hyejin just stare at Kyuyeon who's happy eating his breakfast. For the past 3 years, they always look at him from their own houses while drinking coffee every morning or just staring blankly, while he plays outside before he goes to school or just going out with his parents, and he always waves his hand in their direction whether he sees them or not, he always do that every single day since he started going to daycare and he always gives them flying kiss.

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