Chapter 17

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A few months later

Yongsun and Byul bought some new items of furniture and appliances for their new house, while the 2 young girls' houses are still on interior construction doing some final touch-ups.

"dididididi~ mamamama~" Kyuyeon is busy playing his blocks and new puzzle blocks that were given to him by his aunt, Ahn "Fatal" Hyejin.

"Unnie, did you check the bed for him?" Byul asked Yongsun. "Yup! We just need to pick it up." they bought a wooden bed it was hand made and Wheein wanted to do some hand paint mural type on his headboard. "Wheeinie wanted to do some hand painting on it." Yongsun nods her head. "Did you pack everything?" Yongsun asked Byul. "Yup I did. I already ask Seulgi to take some off for few days." Yongsun still looking for some things online. "So? Do you want to go out with me?" Byul ask. "Like a date?" Byul looks at her 'maybe a date.' "N-No l-like more on family day with Yongkeey and Kyuyeon." Byul said. "Okay. Just give me a minute and I'll check out this cart." Yongsun said.

"Kyunie~ let's get you some awesome clothes and change your diapers." Byul pick him up and went inside the room he's always a handful when changing his diapers and clothes. "Aigoo~stop moving~" Byul handed her phone charger and he instantly put it in his mouth. "No! here is your teether." He shook his head "No? why?" he gave his toothy smile. "Aigoo~ Okay done!" he's wearing a simple blue navy shirt and sweatpants. "I think you gain weight? so~which socks?" she pulled out two different colored socks. "Byulah~ just put him some socks he doesn't mind what color it is." Yongsun entered the room and she starts undressing and wear her robe and went to her walk-in closet.

"Unnie! he does choose what color he likes! Aigoo~ your omma really! aish~ Okay what color? Red?" He shook his head. "Uhmm. Yellow?" "wowoow" he said and gave him his toothy smile. "Okay yellow it is! look at those chubby cheeks and razor-sharp teeth~ Okay mama will change her clothes next we'll wait for Omma okay?" "tay!" he said.

"Byulah!" Yongsun calls her. "Yes!" She rushed to Yongsun's walk-in closet. "What?" Byul carries Kyuyeon in her arms. "Yesol called." Byul frowns. "Why she's calling you and not me?" Byul said to Yongsun. "Maybe your phone is off, she said she's coming here and I said we'll going out and she wants to tag along." "Okay!" "Tay!" Kyuyeon mimick her mama Byul. "Oh! Do we have a parrot here?~" Yongsun squish his cheeks and peppered kiss him, he giggled and Yongsun gets him in Byul's arms.

"I'll get his diaper bag and I'll prepare his sippy cup." Yongsun said he put the baby on his playpen and he starts crawling to his toy box.

*Ding Dong Ding Dong*

"Wait~ Wait~" Yongsun run to the door and Yesol hug her. "Unnie! hehehehe~" Yesol went inside and she saw Kyuyeon standing up while holding the fens. "Wow! you start standing now?" Yesol said. "Omo! you can stand on your own now?" Yongsun smiled at him, while he just stares at them. "Yong, where di- Omo! you can stand now?" Byul said and she approached Kyuyeon who falls on his bum and try to stand again. "Yong! he is standing!" Byul said and Kyuyeon this time didn't let them down he stood up on his own even though it's wobbly "get your phone! and record it." Byul rushes to the room and when she returns to the living room he's now seating on the floor mat. "Aigoo~ I didn't record it." "don't worry about it unnie, I did! I'll send it to you." Yesol said.

"Let's Go?" Yongsun asks them. "Okay! Yesolah brings the diaper bag for me." then Byul carries Kyuyeon Yongsun will be driving the car.

They arrive at Han river, which has a park near the river and some stalls that sell street food. Yesol helped spread the picnic mat and Kyuyeon wanted to be put down. "Okay okay~" Byul said but he cried when he touched the grass. "why?~" she picked him up "What's wrong?" "Maybe he hated the grass unnie, I saw it on youtube few days ago that babies hate grass." Yesol said and she put down her bag. "Aigoo~" "nononono!" Kyuyeon said. "Okay~ come to Omma." Yongsun said and he leans his head on her shoulders sucking his thumb. "Unnie, I'll buy some food first you can take care of him right?" Byul stood up and grab her bag. "Unnie! I'll go with you." Byul side-eyed her sister. "Byulah~ It's fine I can handle him besides he's still sulking, so he'll be fine when you comeback." Byul and Yesol left Yongsun with the sulking baby.

"You hate grass?" Yongsun asked Kyuyeon who's still sulking. "nononono~" Kyuyeon keeps on repeating 'No' to her. "Okay Okay no grass. But in our new house, there will be grass, I hope you'll like our new house" She put Kyuyeon on the mat and he starts rolling and crawling but not going beyond the mat and Yongsun chuckled at his antics, he tried to touch the grass but he always said 'No' "I think we need to cut your hair, it's long already." he gave her his toothy smile and scrunched his nose. "Wow! you look like your mama."

"Unnie! We got some teokbokki for you! and some rice puffs for Kyunie!" Yesol said and she put down the plastic bag.

"Where's your unnie?"

"Oh! she saw a friend and she to her near the comfort rooms. Kyunie? do you want some rice puffs?" He nods his head.

"I'll check her, take care of him I'll be right back."

Yongsun went to the comfort room and all the stalls are empty and she heard a voice behind the comfort room.

"Why?~ You don't want to see right now?" The girl said.

"Yes. I want to be honest with you I just want to release some tension that time I contacted you. But I-"

"But what? did Yongsun fck you good that you didn't return my calls and messages to you?"


Before Byul continued to say the truth about it. Yongsun already left the place and she found an empty bench, her tears rolled down to her face.

"She just wants me for her convenience both raising the child and her needs." She wipes her tears and breath deep she dialed Hyejin's number but she's not answering she tried calling and with a few rings Wheein answered the call.



'jamkkan! are you crying!?'

she just sob and sniffle.

'Yah! unnie where are you?!'

"a-at the park with-"

'I'll call Byulie unnie.'

"No! please don't I'll go to your place."

'Okay~ we'll talk here.'

Wheein ended the call.

"you can do this." she went to the comfort room to splash her face with water.

She saw Byul playing with Kyuyeon, while Yesol taking a picture with her drink.

"Unnie! where have you been? I already start eating your tteokboki." Byul said.

"I just-"

"She went looking for you unnie!" then Yesol eats her corndog.

Byul observed Yongsun's body language, she saw her eyes are somewhat red and her nose. Then it hit her.




Hello Everyone! I've been trying to update from time to time but I'm sick right now, so I'm slowing down. I hope you will like the updates in the future! I know Yong and Byul have push and pull relationship. I hope soon they'll figure it out! Please like and leave some nice comments! Thank you!

Enjoy! ❤

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