Chapter 15

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It was a two days concert with a one-day interval to assess everything before the next concert happens. Both the family explored the city and Yonghee helped in preparing the itinerary, both Yongsun and Byul wanted to go with them but their schedule is very busy.

"Unnie? I thought Byul Unnie is coming with us?" Yesol asked Seulgi.
"I thought too, but they're having a meeting and run-through for the next day's concert." Seulgi said while eating her ice cream and Yonghee sighed. "I hope they won't miss Kyunie's birthday." Yonghee said while staring at their parents who are happy taking pictures.

On the other hand, Byul feels frustrated because she wanted to go with her family on a trip. she keeps messing up some of the steps but she knows that she'll get through it.

"Byulah? can we talk?" Solar asked the younger girl. "Okay." MoonByul said, she follow Solar in a vacant room, and when she heard the door locked. "What's wrong?" Solar asked and MoonByul released a sigh. "You know what's the problem." Moonbyul said. "I want to hear it from you." MoonByul then stared at her and bit her lip. "I want to finish fast and go out with our family, but I keep on messing up." Solar hugs her instantly. "Me too. But you keep on messing and time is ticking, please focus a bit more?" Solar whispered and kissed MoonByul on the lips. "Okay."

After a couple of sets, they ended the rehearsals. The girls are excited to stroll around in the area and they meet their family in one of the snack bars.

"Unnie!" Yesol called Byul's attention. "Oh! right there." Byul said and she grabs Yongsun's arm. "Oh! how's the strolling? How's our Kyunie?" she peak the stroller he's fast asleep. "He is happy and grumpy, I just can't understand him, he's happy and then he's crying." Yesol said.

"Omma? How's Harry Potter tour?" Yongsun asked and her Omma gave her a wide smile. "It was really fun! we took some photos! let me show you." She grabs her phone and lets her daughter see the photos that she took.

"Yesolah? Where's Unnie and Seulgi?" Byul asked. "oh! they're checking something just across the road." Yesol said then Byul looked at the window. "It's Raining." Byul said. "Well, it won't be London if it's not raining anytime within a day." Yonghee said while wiping herself. "Unnie! you gave me a heart attack!" Yesol said. "How's shopping?" Yonghee just smirked.

They eat good food but still they prefer Korean food but they'll be staying there for 1 week so they need to sacrifice a little.

"So? are you ready for your concert tomorrow?" Mrs. Moon asked the two. "Yes, Omma. But Byul here keeps on messing up the rehearsals." Yongsun said with teasing smile. "I just want to finish it fast, to be here with you guys." Both the parents cringe at her statement. "Aigoo~ our Byulie~" Mr. Moon teased her daughter.

"Seul? Did you help Yonghee Unnie on preparing Kyuyeon's birthday party?" Byul asked her younger sister. "Yes, we also have a party coordinator, it's Yonghee Unnie's friend." Byul nods "Thank you Unnie for helping us on preparing this, I just don't want to miss his birthday." Byul said to Yonghee. "No problem, me too. If I have a kid I don't want to miss their birthdays." She said.

"Unnie? it's that Hyejin Unnie?" Seulgi pointed at the entrance, Byul turn her head and she saw Hyejin and Wheein, she stood up and put her arms around their shoulders. "Hey Kids!" Both the girls jump at their spots. "Unnie! don't do that." Wheein said. "seat with us, we're having a dinner."

"But it's your family!" Hyejin said.

"We are family, Hyejinah~" Byul teased the maknae and the two agreed on her offer and eat their heart outs with delicious dishes served for them. After their meal, Kyuyeon woke up and he just clings to Yong mom she starts soothing him because he cried when he woke up. "Byulah can you ask for a small bowl and some hot water?" Yongsun said while she settles Kyuyeon on a high chair, he starts crying she gave him his milk immediately and he starts drinking on his sippy cup, they start training him on his 7th month and they're successful with it. "Drink slowly Kyunie~" Yongsun said.

Byul returns to their seat she wants to practice English and she's taking her lessons diligently everyone thought that is late learning but she wanted to prove them wrong.

"here's the hot water and bowl." She put it on the table and Yongsun put some powder on the bowl and she added the hot water. "are you giving him his food?" Byul asked. "Yes, I bet he is hungry from all the tour and stuff." Byul put on his bib and ties his hair. "Unnie! let's tie his hair into pigtails?" Hyejin suggested. "Aigoo~ here we go again." Wheein said while watching the two trying to tie his cute curly hair. "He'll get annoy." Yongsun warned the two, and when they're done Hyejin gave him a peppered kiss on his both squishy cheeks.

"We'll go first." both of their parents said. "Where are you going?" Yongsun asked. "Well be going back to the hotel and grab some nap." Mrs. Moon said. "I think I'll go with you Omma." Yonghee said. "I'll stick with you unnie." Yesol said. "You'll stick with me, Yesolah~" Wheein swings her arms around Yesol's shoulder. "Assa!"

"I think I'll grab some nap Unnie, Yesol snores so loud last night I didn't have enough sleep." Seulgi said. "I'll have some couple of arrangements for his birthday." Yonghee said while checking her phone and read some emails. "I think I needed some nap unnie." Byul said. "Okay."

When they got back to the hotel room, they change their clothes and they let Kyuyeon play with some toys and Byul teach him few words with flashcards. "Kyunie~ Ant!" Kyuyeon smiled and nodded his head.
"No nod. say aaannnttt~"
"Good Job!" He claps his hand.
"Good Job!"
"Unnie! listen to him!" Byul got so excited and show the baby some pictures.
"Kyunie~ Aaant~"
"Ent!" Yongsun her eyes got wide because of so excitement. "Wowowow!"
"Kku!" Clapping his hands.
"Where is the car?" he look at Yongsun and he pointed to her shirt with a car printed on it.
"Wow! Good job baby!" Byul kissed him on his chubby cheeks.

Kyuyeon got his book and he pointed the apple. "wed!"

"Omo omo! Byulah he knows the color red!" Yongsun trying to hold her tears. "Of course Unnie! we teach him almost every day the color wheel!" Yongsun caresses his head and face. "Our Boy~ don't grow too fast~" Yongsun said with a sweet voice. "I won't Omma~" Byul said with her baby voice and they both chuckled.

"Bu!" He pointed to the color blue. "Oh no~ look at your Omma she getting emotional because of this!" Byul said she grab Yongsun and gave her a tight hug and kiss her lips.

"Don't cry Yong, we're doing a great job and the day after tomorrow will be his birthday, we both know how special and important it is we will be celebrating it with the closest persons in our lives." Byul said while kissing her forehead.

"I know, thank you for staying and helping me with this Byulah~" Yongsun leaned to kiss Byul "Mama! Mamamamamaa~" they got interrupted by the baby.



Author's Note:

Hello! I just want to update, nothing special really and I just saw how cute Sol (4yrs old baby girl Yongsun interviewed in Solarsido) and I kinda imagine what will happen if Kyuyeon will grow up soon. I think I want to put some drama in it but I think I won't! mind vs. Heart! Hope you like it! Please stream Mumumumuch!!


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