Chapter 21

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Byul and Yongsun set dinner in their back yard and they invited Hyejin and Wheein, they set up a long table before they ask the kids to have dinner they went to Kyuyeon's daycare and they want to talk to the school head but they were just disappointed on his replies, Still, their country is close-minded and from that event, they decided to leave the country till Kyuyeon is big enough to understand their situation and return to South Korea, they hope that time will be not too long for them to come back.

"Unnie! hehehehe~" Wheein enters the backyard with wine in her hand and a plastic bag on the other. "Wheeinah~ No soju for the night~" Yongsun hug Wheein and pats her bum.

"Where is Hyejin?" Byul asked. "She's getting something." Hyejin arrives with some plastic bags in her hand Wheein helps her and they get the plastic containers in the plastic bags. "Wow! did you just buy all the food on the menu?" Byul asked and she grilled some pork and Wheein immediately helped her.

"I think we're in charge of grilling the meat." Byul said.

"You think so? I think so too." Wheein replied.

Both Wheein and Byul are grilling the meat, Yongsun and Hyejin prepared the table, and when the meat is cook they instantly dig in.

"Where is Kyuyeon?" Wheein asked.

"With my parents in Bucheon, Yesol has sleepover with her friends and Seulgi is in Bucheon." Byul said while eating. "Hmmm~ this is good~" She said to Hyejin and she gave some to Yongsun. "aigoo~ all lovey dovey~" Wheein said. Yonghee Unnie moved out when her boyfriend proposed to her, and they're preparing for the wedding.

When they finish their food, they start eating some dessert. "So~ Spill it Unnie." Hyejin said whiled sipping her wine. Both the Byul and Yongsun sighed "We decided to move to Canada." Wheein formed an 'O' shape on her mouth. "Why?" Hyejin asked.

Both Byul and Yongsun explained what happened at their son's school and they want to raise the kid in a healthy environment which the case is not their country. Yes, South Korea is beautiful, full, and rich in history but still close-minded with both women raising a kid together, when they heard Kyuyeon was bullied their hearts were crushed.

"How is he?" Hyejin asked while wiping her tears, she can't let other people bully her godson. "He's fine for now, we constantly explain to him what's happening and he just nods." Byul said. "W-We don't want to leave honestly." Yongsun tried to hold her tears but it betrayed her at the end. "Unnie~ We understand~ Don't worry we will handle the company for the both of you." Wheein said. "Besides we will have video calls and we will visit you there." Hyejin said while wiping her tears. "Aww~ Thank you for understanding." Yongsun said. "Unnie~ you take this responsibility under pressure and you raise Kyuyeon to a loving and happy kid, Byuli unnie teaches him being a dork. We love Kyuyeon and both of you." "W-Wheeinah~" with that Byul stood up and hugs Wheein and the other members follow and they cried hard while hugging each other.

That night they slept in the MoonSun's living room they spread a mattress and they fell asleep.

After that night, four of them held a meeting on their executives though they're not a huge company they want to be transparent with their employees. From CEO MoonByul steps down and Hwasa takes the position, MoonByul switched her position with Hwasa. 3 of them became directors. basically, nothing changed.

It was 2 months after their talk, within that 2 months they also talked to their family. But Mrs. Moon is really against it, not because of Kyuyeon but because of her daughter, she'll be away. She doesn't mind if she lives in Bucheon and Byul lives in Seoul but living in a different country it's another story to tell.

"How's Omma?"

'She's still upset.'  Yesol replied.

Byul sighed, she felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist.

"I'll call you again Yesolah~ Good night."

'Okay, Good night unnie.'

"hm~" then she ended the call.

"She's still mad?" Yongsun asked.

"She is still upset."

"I understand it though, but we become mothers in funny and strange circumstances but we made it this far, our boy is 4 years old now." Yongsun said and she turned Byul to face her and Byul kissed Yongsun knuckles and looking at her eyes lovingly. "I love you Yong."

"I love you too, thank you for sticking with me, Byulah~"

Byul kissed Yongsun with passion.

That morning Byul and Yongsun made breakfast for Kyuyeon, though Kyuyeon is still 4yrs. old but he thinks maturely.

"Omma?" He rubs his eyes and scratches his bum going to his Omma. "You're up so early?" he hugs his omma's waist and someone kissed his forehead.

"Mama?" he look up. "Good Morning kiddo!" and Byul pinch his cheeks.

"Uhmmm. Why?" He asked them.

"Why? We both woke up early so we prepare some breakfast for us." Yongsun said.

"Okay. I'll wash my hands first." he said. "And I think you can help Mama with the fruits." He smiles at them.

He handed Byul some peaches and apples. "Here, Mama." He smiles but he stops and he went to Yongsun. Byul sighed and tried to hold her tears.

'One more month'

She looks at Kyuyeon and she released a heavy sigh.

"Byulah? What's wrong?" Yongsun asked. "H-He hates me."

"No, he just a new environment that will teach him respect and more open-mindedness, and we will tell him today I know he won't mind but still it will be good for him, for us." Byul sighed and she left the kitchen and Kyuyeon saw everything he felt bad he runs to his omma and hugs her thigh. "Mama? feels sad?" He asked while looking at his mother's eyes.

"Hmmm. Why not we bring her some food and we eat in the room? she's taking a shower now." Yongsun knows if Byul gets upset she'll go in the shower. "Eung!" He nods his head and they put their breakfast on the tray and they went upstairs.

Byul hung her head low while shower drops fall on her head. "Everything will be fine." she mumbles.

She finished her shower and to her surprise, she saw Yongsun and Kyuyeon on the bed with their breakfast. "So? What's happening here?" she asked the two Yongsun just gave her a sweet smile. "M-mama?" Kyuyeon calls her. "Yes?" she replied with a stern voice. "I'm sorry." He cries and he covers his eyes with his fingertips just like her Omma when she cries. "come here." He stood up and he hugs her mama like a koala even though he's 4 yrs. old now he's still their baby. "I'm not angry, at you." Byul said while she wipes his tears, He tightens his hug and rests his head on her shoulder while carrying him. "Aigoo~ my babies~" Yongsun joins them and Byul mouthed a 'Thank you' to her.


Author's Note:

Hello everyone! I'll update every now and then, so please bear with me. Thank you for your support! I'll update in a slow phase now. Kekekekeke.

BTW I made some proofreading sometimes, but most of the time I don't so please bear with me.  

Thank you!


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