Chapter 18

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When they finish their picnic Byul insisted to drive, and Yongsun didn't ride in the passenger seat but she was seated at the back Yesol got confused but she shrugs it.

"Can you drop me at the convenience store? You go first with Yesol" Yongsun said. "No Unnie I'll wait." Byul insisted. "No. It's fine besides it's just near do you need anything?" Yongsun asked. "Uhmmm. some beer and ramyeon." Byul said and she stops the car. "You?" "Uhmmm~ some chocopie and sausages." Yesol smiled at her and she smiled back. "Okay." Yongsun kissed the baby and she left the car.

"Taxi!" she waved her hand and the taxi stops in front of her, little to her knowledge Byul saw that Yongsun rides in a taxi with her rearview mirror, and she just sighed.

'Where are you going?'


"What!?" Byul asked she jump on her seat and she saw that they're already in the parking lot.

"are you sick?" Yesol put her palm on her unnie's forehead. "I'm not!" she swats her hand and Yesol pout. "Okay! you look pale and you sweat." she said. "You know I sweat a lot!" she got out of the car and she slowly pick the baby up and he instantly squirms and continues his nap.

Yongsun arrives at Wheein's house, she rang the doorbell and she heard 'wait' behind the door.

"Unnie?" she hugs Wheein instantly and Wheein drags her to the sofa. "What's wrong???" Wheein asks her. "She- I sa-" "Unnie? your here!?" Yongsun saw Hyejin eating some dakbal in her right hand and beer on her left hand. "Wheeinah~ you didn't tell me Hyejin is here." Wheein look so guilty. "So? What did the hamster do this time?" Hyejin asked while sat down on the floor. "I heard her talking to one of her girls." Hyejin nods her head. "And?" Yongsun continued. "She asked Byul if why she's not seeing her anymore." Hyejin offers a beer to her unnie and Yongsun accepts it and gulps. "and what did that stupid hamster said?" Yongsun closed her eyes.

"But what? did Yongsun fck you good that you didn't return my calls and messages to you?"


"fck! she said that?" Yongsun nods. "wait! don't tell me you're jealous?" Wheein ask. "I am and both of you know what we have, even Yonghee knows." Yongsun said. "Unnie, I'll ask you something tell us honestly." She nods. "do you love Byulie unnie?" Wheein smacks Hyejin's arms. "Yah! don't ask that question, when we already know the answer!" Yongsun pouts. "I do. I do love her but she keeps on seeing other people." Hyejin claps her hand. "I have an Idea unnie, if she keeps seeing other people, besides you then why go on a date?" Hyejin suggest. "Yah! Hyejinah! your ideas are out of this world! But I agree to her unnie." Yongsun shook her head and laugh. "But for now we will get you drunk!" and the three of them raised their beer cans and clink. "For Yongsunnie and Byulie! I hope You'll confess your fckin' feeling with each other!" Wheein said. "Yes!" Hyejin answered and they drink their night away.

It was already 2 am and Byul was still awake waiting for Yongsun to get home. She tried calling her phone and send many texts already.

"Fck! I messed up pretty big this time." she mumbles.



she clicks the answer button.


'Open the fckn door!'


'Open the fckn door or I will tear it down.' It was Hyejin this time.

She runs to the front door and she saw Yongun who's clinging to her two members.

"What happened?" she asked Wheein and Hyejin. "We have a drink." Hyejin said. "I can see that, can you remove her shoes? I'll just settle her down on the sofa, Unnie? can you hear me?" Byul asked Yongsun but to her dismay she just groan.

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