Chapter 20

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Two days after the cleansing and Hyejin insisting on have their houses blessed. They transferred with full force, Yongkeey who is happy running inside the whole house and she doesn't stop till she's knocked up tired, and Kyuyeon who keeps waking up in the middle of the night because of the new environment.

Yonghee and Seulgi stayed in their respective residence because their houses are like 2 big houses connected in one. But Seulgi doesn't want to stay alone so she asked Yonghee unnie to stay in The Moon residence, and Yonghee agreed to it. While Yongsun and Byuli are staying at The Kims. So the chores are easily divided, they hire Kyuyeon's previous nanny to help them on Kyuyeon this time because they're having their comeback.

"Kim Kyuyeon?" Byul calls him while taking some video. He smiled then he stood up. "Omo~ showing off your strong legs?" He smiled while waving his hands up then he made his first step without help and he made another, Byul held her breathe and she just continues recording then Kyuyeon fell in her arms. "Wow! you made it! I-I'm so happy right now!" Byul said while kissing his cheeks. "Yong!!!!" Byul called Yongsun. "WHAT?!" and she saw Kyuyeon who's standing near the door, he saw Yongsun approaching but he made a step and another and he went to Yongsun. "OMG! You know how to walk!" she carries Kyuyeon in her arms and she saw Byul who have tears on her cheeks. "Aigoo~ look at your Mama who's crying~ My big baby~" Yongsun hugs her and she kissed her lips. "we need to put those safety gates, now." Yongsun said and she wipes her tears. "Y-Yes."

They put the gates on their room and Kyuyeon's room. They also made some playpens on the huge living space and put some of his toys.

"We need to make him a meal, where is Miran Unnie?" Yongsun asked.

"She went to the convenience store." Yongsun nods her head. "Now that Kyuyeon is asleep and we needed some bath." Byul said. "I can't. I'm on my period." Yongsun said. "omo! Me too~" Byul smirks. "Yah! you pervert~" Byul enters the bathroom first then Yongsun follows, they're still on leave because of the house transfer after their leave they'll have their comeback as a group.

Both Byul and Yongsun went down and find Yonghee Unnie bought some take-outs.

"Let's eat. I bought some food." She said while removing the containers from the plastic bags.

"WOW!~ Look at those food Kyunie~ but you're not allowed to eat those foods~" Byul said. "Bought him some baby food~" Yonghee said and gave his food and Yongsun put him on his high chair. "Seulgi is still a work she said she'll be out with her workmates." Yonghee said. "Okay, she's your unnie now." Byul sounded jealous. "Yah! don't get jealous! She knows that you're still busy tidying the house!" Yongsun said.

"So? when?" Yonghee asked both Yongsun and Byul.

"When.. What?" Yongsun asked while wiping Kyuyeon's mouth full of crumbs.

"Getting married?" then she hold her laugh, but she can't when she saw both Byul and Yongsun's faces.

"Just kidding!" Yonghee said. " Not a good joke!" Byul said while blushing.

"R-right not a good joke!" Yongsun said.

Then 2 young girls arrived and also checking their own houses, they also indulge in Yonghee's food and they had a good laugh.

3 years later

After Yongsun, Byul and Hwasa didn't continue their contract at their previous company also they put up their agency, under Wheein's name and all of them manage it, with both Byul and Yongsun's have shares on international music labels it helps a lot in their venture on the global market, they still do music release solos and group comeback they take the name Mamamoo with them when they left the company. The previous company will have 5% of the earning when they have OT4 comebacks and 2% on both Solar and Hwasa's solos because the company trademarks their names.

Kyuyeon arrives at his Omma's office, sulking gray clouds over him. His nanny put his things beside him, Yongsun look at him with a concerned face.

"Kyunnie~ You don't want to give your omma a hug or a kiss?" Yongsun asked while approaching him, she saw his eyes and nose are red. "H-hey what's wrong?" He look at her then he burst crying while hugging Yongsun. "Just cry, tell me everything when you are ready." he nods and buries his face on Yongsun's shirt. Byul enters Yongsun's office and Yongsun gave her a 'shh' sign and Byul nods her head sat beside Yongsun, Kyuyeon looks Byul and he instantly hugs her mama and he buries his face on her neck she just pats his back and Yongsun kiss Byul on her lips and Byul starts to talk. "Why not we go home early today?"

They arrive at their house and she saw Yesol and Seulgi in the living room doing some project for Yesol. "Unnie! ow~" she Kyuyeon is sleeping on her Unnie's arm. "Ahjumma just put his things in his room." she went to Kyuyeon's room and she follow while Yongsun stayed in the living area and she talked to the younger girls. "I think I know what's happening." Yesol said. " the other day, he asks me why he doesn't have a father." and with that Yongsun sighed and pinch her nose bridge. "What did I missed?" Byul arrives with a smile and she kissed her sisters' cheeks and Yongsun on the forehead. "Yesol, said Kyuyeon asking where is his father." Yongsun said. "Unnie~ I think he is bullied by his classmates." and Byul sighed and pinch her nose bridge.

Both Byul and Yongsun are planning on living outside their country, they plan on moving to Canada and they also talked to their friends about it. "Unnie I think you need to talk to him and explain to him on his level understanding." Seulgi said. "Yes, we will." Both the mothers went to their shared room and they took a bath together which lead to some hot make-out and some releases.


"Go get him. Before he'll terrorize his aunts." Byul said and she kissed Yongsun on the lips. "O-okay~ I love you." Yongsun said.

"I love you too, Yong."

Byul continued taking her bath and it gave her some silence, she can clear her head.

"I need to talk to the kids."


Author's Note:

Hello! I know I'm spoiling my readers too much! But just let me, I feel I need to spoil you more guys! Thank you for the Comments!

Enjoy! ❤

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