Chapter 24

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They held a small gathering before their departure it started late afternoon, both their family and close friends are there both celebrities and Non-Celebrities.

"Where is Kyuyeon?" Sodam asked. "He's still at Hyejin's place I bet they have a blast the whole day."

With on Cue, they heard a loud cry and Byul immediately stood up and went to Hyejin's house and she carries Kyuyeon in her arms who's still sucking his thumb and they went inside their house.

"Oh? He's up? Byul really takes care of him." Narae Unnie said. "Yes, she does especially since I have photoshoots and she stays at home most of the time, these last 2 months." Yongsun said. "Unnie? who's gonna live here?" Naeun asked. "Her Younger sisters and My unnie."

When Byul returns she's still carrying Kyuyeon, Yongsun excused herself to her friends and went to Byul's side. "What's wrong?" she asked Byul. "Just a light fever, I put some warmers inside his coat and he already drink some medicine." Kyuyeon looks at his Omma and he asked to be carried by Yongsun. "Why my baby is sick?" she asked while her lips is on his forehead. "ugh~ water please omma?" He asked and Byul gave him water, but he refused. 

"I want, Omma." He said so Byul gave the glass to Yongsun, he's always like this when he is sick. "Aigoo~ do you want to eat something?" He shook his head. "I will give you some soup okay? and maybe some porridge." Byul said. 

"Mama? can I go to aunt Yesol?" He asked and she nods. "Okay if you feel sick just tell your aunt okay?" Byul said and they approached Yesol and Byul told her that Kyuyeon have a slight fever. "Okay, Unnie I'll take care of him go and mingle with your friends." She said. They set up a huge tent in their backyard it's open so fresh air can go inside.

"Oh? Dahee Unnie is here." Byul stood up and hugged the actress. "Long time~" Dahee whispers. "Yeah~ Let's go!" she grabs Dahee's hand.

Yongsun saw it and she just ignores it. "Yah! are you still jealous?" Sodam teased Yongsun. "I-I'm not!" Yongsun denies.

'Am I that obvious?' she thought.

"Aunt Dahee!" Kyuyeon calls his aunt. "Kyunnie!" He ran fast and hugged her. "I miss you!" He said. "I miss you too! But your Mama here said that you have a fever?" "No! I'm not sick." He said and gave her a wink. "aigoo~ what a greasy little boy!" Dahee said.

"Unnie! sit over there with Narae unnie and the rest of the girls, I'll get you some drinks." Byul said and Dahee sits at their long table with other celebrities. "Dahee unnie sit beside me." Hyejin said.

Byul put Dahee's drink in front of her. "Thanks, Byulah." She smiled at her and Byul sat beside Yongsun. "Hey~ What's the problem?" Byul whispers on Yongsun's ears. "N-Nothing." she replied. "Unnie? You want to sing?" Hyejin asked and she handed the bluetooth mic on Yong but Yongsun declined. "I want to sing!"Wheein stand up and she grabs the mic. "

I don't like the way she's looking at you

I'm starting to think you want her too

Am I crazy? Have I lost ya?

Even though I know you love me, can't help it

I turn my chin music up

And I'm puffing my chest

I'm getting ready to face

You can call me obsessed

It's not your fault that they hover

I mean no disrespect

It's my right to be hellish

I still get jealous

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