Chapter 12

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Their concert was a blast, it took only a minute for their concert tickets to be sold out. Solar, MoonByul, WheeIn, and HwaSa are having their final rehearsals before their concert in which will be held in Seoul. After the 4 hours concert, they change their clothes and thank everyone who participated in the event.


Yongsun but her jacket on the humper and she saw Kyuyeon on his playpen with Yongkeey chillin' beside him. "Why are you here?" Yongsun kneels. "Oh! you're here, he doesn't want to sleep. I think he is waiting for you and Byul." Yongsun lets him crawl on top of her and he clutches her clothes and sucks his thumb. "Aigoo~ our Kyunie is still awake? Come here~ Let him stand Yong." Yongsun tried to stand him up and Byul played Dingga. "We are raising him to be a MooMoo." Yongsun asked, "We should!" Byul butted in.

Kyuyeon stood up and dance while Byul played the song, he got tired and sat down while grabbing his blocks. "okay~ this is a triangle you put this in here." Byul guided his hand and push it inside, but Kyuyeon stared at her and making his crying face. "W-Why?" and he burst. " I think he is sleepy!" Yonghee said while bringing some beer to the table.

Byul carried him and he rubs his face to her chest and starts to suck his thumb. "Let's put him to sleep." Yongsun entered the room first and clean herself while Byul is swinging from left to right. "let's sleep because I'm sleepy, we just had a 4 hours concert, son." then his eyes flutter closed with a few lullabies she put it on his crib.

"Byulah~" Yongsun called. "Hmm?" She looked at her. "His birthday is coming, any plans?" Byul sighed they almost forgot about it, because of their schedule. "let's Plan it tomorrow, but for now let's sleep." Byul said. she removes her clothes and changes into her pajamas. Yongsun spooned Byul and they fall asleep.

Morning came and Byul heard Kyuyeon squeal, and she instantly gets up and looks at him, he put his hands up asking to get him in the crib. Kyuyeon instantly hugged Byul and she brings him outside and gave him his milk. She saw Yonghee got out of her room, it's her off today and she's getting ready to go out with Yongkeey.

"Byulah? you look so tired, By the way, I already cook some breakfast for everyone." She pointed at the microwave "Oh! Okay, I get it. Take care." Yonghee left and Byul saw Kyuyeon just playing the nipple of his feeding bottle. "Hey~stop playing with your milk, you'll get gas." Byul is waiting for her food to heat, and she grabs the baby and cradle him to let him drink his mild properly, he is turning 1 next month and they will have a full packed schedule starting this month, Byul just stares at the wall and sighed. "I don't know what to do on your birthday both of us will be in London." She stares at the baby and he smiled showing his 3 razor-sharp teeth.

Byul puts him down and lets him crawl, he grabs his toys. and start playing with it. "I think we need some bigger space." Byul sighed and she closed her eyes, and she realized that after his birthday they're planning to transfer to their newly built house, the 2 young girls will be transferring 3 months after, Byul is having a headache early in the morning with so many responsibilities. She turns her head when she heard a yawn, and she saw Yongsun walking towards her, and Yongsun kissed Byul's cheeks and she sat down on the floor and encourage Kyuyeon to stand and walk. "Unnie, I think when he starts walking we don't need to go to the gym." Byul said while biting her sandwich. "I guess so., Come here~ Come to Omma~" Yongsun said, opening her arms for the baby. He tries to get up on his own but it was a fail he falls on his bum.

"Aigoo~ you need more practice." Byul said. Yongsun gets up she starts making her breakfast, they will go to the company later for some concert debriefing. "Yong? We will bring him later?" Byul asked Yongsun "I guess so, we didn't tell Omma that we will be having a debriefing so he will come with us." Byul finishes her food and she carries the baby and went inside the bathroom and has his bath. When Byul finishes washing Kyuyeon she saw Yongsun staring blankly.

"Unnie?" Yongsun didn't budge. "Yah! Unnie!" Byul raises her voice and Yongsun blinks a few times. "Huh?" she asked Byul. "I'll dress him up and we'll talk."


Byul sat on the sofa while Yongsun positioned herself on the floor while watching Kyuyeon playing with his blocks and books.

"his birthday is next month, do you have any ideas?" Yongsun started.

"Yes." Byul nods her head. "Uhmmm. but it's kinda expensive." Byul sighed.

"So What is it? We can use some money from Miyoung unnie's." Yongsun stated. "I think we can Yong, by that time we will be in London right?" Yongsun nods her head. "Yup!" Byul bit her nails. "we can invite our family to go to London with Kyuyeon and celebrate his birthday together." Byul said.

"Oh! Your right!" Yongsun said. "Omma keeps on texting me about his birthday, I guess this is a nice idea for his birthday! and his fave aunts won't miss it!" Byul nods.

"Unnie we should tell the kids, and we can ask the CEO about it." Byul said. "Byulah~ We can get him a passport and visa, but we need to take him some photos for it." Yongsun said. "He loves to take some photos but he hates changing clothes." Byul said and Yongsun nods her head.

"Uhmmm. we need just one shirt." Byul got up and grab some white polo shirts for Kyuyeon. "Mamamama~ mamamamama~" Yongsun look at him and smiled. "Oh~ You want Momma? She'll get you a shirt for your passport photo." He crawled to Yongsun and bit her. "Yah! no biting!" she pinches his cheeks and kissed him and he laughed. "Aigoo~ come here~" Byul opens her arms and she let him crawl to her and he tried to stand up he succeeded but his legs are still weak so he falls on his bum.

"Aigoo! you need more massage, Omma will give you later." Yongsun said and she slowly removes his shirt, it's kinda small already Kyuyeon grows so much. "Byulah, He bit me again and he just gave me his cute smile." Byul laugh. "Of course Unnie! it's his way of telling you how much he loves you~ Right son?" Byul said while fixing his hair. "I know~ Okay lay down now~" Byul pulled her DSLR and snap few photos. "Let him stay still Unnie." Yongsun is trying but she failed. "Okay grab his favorite toy." Byul said to Yongsun, she grabs it and stood up beside Byul and they caught his attention, He stared at the camera. "GOOD! What a good boy!" Byul said and she put down the camera.

"Okay, I will send it to the office and ask them to print it out for us for his passport." Byul said. " Okay, do you have any schedule this morning?" Yongsun asked. "Non I just wanna lay here and sleep." Then Kyuyeon Yawns, Yongsun look at the wall clock and it's time for his morning nap. "I think you need some nap, Kyunie~" Yongsun stood up and carried Kyuyeon to their room and change him back into his comfy clothes.

Byul entered the room and she handed him his warm milk and he instantly smiled at her. "Aigoo~ don't kill me with those beautiful smiles Kyunie~" Byul said while putting him in his crib and she gave him his favorite Pororo plush doll.

"Unnie let's sleep?"
"I can't. I need to edit my new content for the channel." Yongsun said, Byul smiled. "Okay, I'll help with the editing. so we can grab some sleep before he wakes up for his lunch." Byul said.


"Thank you, Byulah~"

Byul leaned and she gave Yongsun a passionate kiss.


Author's Note:

Hello Yeorubun! I know I have shorter updates! I hope you like this chapter! Please Upvote and leave some nice comments! Also Please vote them in Breaktudo Awards! Vote for AYA there!

Take care always!

Enjoy! ❤

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