Chapter 22

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That morning they said to Kyuyeon that they will leave South Korea for a while and they'll go back to South Korea when he grows up.

"So? I will have new classmates?" He asked his Mama while he's picking his nose. "Yes." Byul said. "Baby? stop picking your nose the last time you got a nosebleed." Yongsun warned. "and don't wipe it on the car seat little man." Byul also warned. "I want to get it, it's annoying mama." He said with a whiny voice. "We will get it when we get there, Okay?"

They arrived at Mrs. Kim's New restaurant, it's their soft opening. "Halmoni!" When Kyuyeon gets out of the car he runs to his Halmoni and gave her the tightest hug he can give. "Omma~" Yongsun hugs her mom and Byul follows, Ofcourse Wheein and Hyejin arrive earlier than them.

 "wow! you got out early?" Byul asked the 2 young girls and they nod while eating the home-cooked meals, and Byul get some chopsticks and join them while her son is running around greeting the guests. Yongsun on the other hand is helping her dad at the cashier.

 "Halmoni!" and he runs to his other grandmother Mrs. Moon. Byul's Omma, the Omma that's against her daughter's departure. "Aigoo~ our Kyunnie~" He gave her a kiss on her both cheeks, and he kissed his Haraboji on his cheeks also. "Omma! You can seat here." Yongsun entertained them and in a few minutes the younger Moon sisters arrive and that's where Kyuyeon went all hyper because one of his favorite aunts arrives aunt 'yeahSol~'.

Byul approached them and she transfer to her parent's table she talked to her omma and appa. "Halmoni? You know what? We will go to Canada and we will stay there, I'm So Excited!" He said with enthusiasm while seating on her lap.

 "R-really?" He nods his and answered. "Omma and Mama said I will have new friends!" He smiles at her "but I will miss you halmoni, but you'll visit us right? like Imo Wheein and Imo Hyejin you can go with them!" He suggested then he smiled at his grandma. 

"I will visit you there honey." She said. "O-Omma?" Byul called her Omma but she just gave Byul a meaningful smile and nods. "That's a good idea, Kyunnie~" Mrs. Moon said. "Look Mama Halmoni will visit us! That's a promise Halmoni!" He shows his pinky and his grandma locked and sealed the promise with a kiss on his forehead. "Promise."

That night Byul and her Omma talk and she just want the best for her and her grandson. They have a festive night because of the soft opening and many people agree that the food was great. Both Wheein and Hyejin left early because they have early meetings, while Byul will be joining them via Video call in the morning because Kyuyeon stays at home for a month now and this will continue till they leave. While Yongsun doing some errands and some final packing, they decided that they won't sell the house and let Seulgi and Yesol stay there. Also, Yonghee Unnie will stay there for a while before and after her marriage, and Yongkeey will be going with them.

"Yong, grab his shoes and bag." Byul said while she carries Kyuyeon he's still fast asleep, he drained all his energy in his halmoni's restaurant. "He will be all grumpy if we will wake him up." Yongsun said. Byul carries him to his bedroom and Yongsun puts his bag beside the door. He starts squirming when Byul puts him on the bed, she removes his coat and sweater. "we should wake him up." Yongsun shook her head. "No, I'll clean him up and you go take a bath." Byul kissed her forehead and left. "Aigoo~"

When Yongsun went inside their bedroom, she finds their bathroom door slightly open, and she found Byul having a good time inside their bathtub with all the scented candles and rose petals.


"hmm? Come and join me." Byul opens her eyes and Yongsun instantly undress and joined Byul in the bathtub. "Hmmm~ this is good." Yongsun settles between Byul's legs and she rested her head on Byul's shoulders.

"Unnie? are ready?" Yongsun nods her head. "Yes, all packed and ready."

"I-I mean are we ready to change our lives? We were so comfortable here and we will go to a new place, new people, new work everything is new." Byul said while kissing Yongsun's bare shoulder. "Hmmm~ we can handle this, we can make it Byulah." Yongsun caress Byul's face and she kissed her lips. Then Byul's hand slip in between Yongsun's legs.


Yongsun left a soft moan on her lips, and that night they made love till sunrise.


Author's Note:

Hello! Thank you for supporting my story! and thank you for the nice comments, Leave some nice comments!

Take care! Have a Nice Day!


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