Chapter 9

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2 weeks later

MoonByul and Solar have a very hectic schedule, because of their comeback preparations and the deadline is getting nearer. They brought Kyuyeon on their company again because his nanny got sick and Yesol doesn't have any classes yet because it's her school break and she volunteered to look after him in exchange for allowance and they spoil her also with love especially the 2young girls.

"Mamamama~~~ mamamama~~" Kyuyeon blabber while clapping his hand.

"Say noona~~"

"naanaaa~" he said and gave one of their staff a toothy grin.

"Good Job!!"

Yesol arrived with food on her hands."woah! Who gave you those?" The staff asked.

" Oh! Goeunah gave me these." The two plastic bags.

" Aigoo! Kyunie look at your drool!" She wipes Kyuyeon's mouth and gave him his baby snacks, he grabs them and munches them instantly.

MoonByul finished the final recording first and she went to check her sister and the baby, when she saw Kyuyeon munching on his food she smiled at him and pats her her sister's back.

"You're good at taking care of him." MoonByul said to her sister. "Unnie you're also good at taking care of him, don't blame yourself on what happened 2 weeks ago. Look he's fine and eating fine he's healthy now, Unnie." Yesol said to her older sister.

"Wow! You're really a grown-up now Yesolah." Byul caresses his sister's head.

"Did Yongsun Unnie talk to you already? Or she's just ignoring you still?" MoonByul sighed and her sister knew the answer. " Just give her some time, Unnie. It was a traumatic experience for her." Yesol said.

"I know. If I'm in her position I will be also traumatized." She said.

*Huaaaaa huaaaaa huaaaaa*

Byul carried Kyuyeon and he instantly leans his head to her shoulder.

"Are you sleepy now?" Byul rubs his back and he looks up MoonByul. "What?" She lifts him up and she makes a bubble sound on his tummy and he starts to giggle.

"He really loves that."

"Mamama~" he gave her his rice puffs and fed her.

"Wow! So generous~"

"Ahhhh~" Yesol opened her mouth and he feeds her some rice puffs.

That night Byul went to Yongsun's house. she's sleeping at her own house since they had the cold war. She sneaks in and she found Yongsun washing the dishes and it was already 2 am in the morning.

"Yong? Why are you still up?" Byul asked her. She jump a little when she heard Byul's voice "I can't sleep." She said.

" Since when?"

'Since you left.'

"don't worry I'm fine."

"No, you're not." Byul said.

"Please!" Yongsun raised her voice, thankfully Yonghee is not there.



" Unnie! Let's talk!" Byul grabbed her arm.

"Let go! Byulah!" Byul stopped her movements when she felt a sting on her cheek. Yongsun let out a gasp at what she did.

"I-I deserve it." Byul holds Yongsun's hand and she used Yong's hand to slap her.

"I deserve this." Yongsun closed her hand and pulled her hand.

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