Chapter 3

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Byul arrived in Bucheon, earlier than she expected, she went to her family home, and as expected it's chaos because of four excited pups jumping up and down wanting her attention.

"Aigooo~ You lookin' good Daebakkie!" she rubbed Daebak's belly like the other 3.

"Oh! Byulah? Why are you here?"

"I'm just want to visit you guys! I have something for you guys." She put the paper bag on the table in the living room.

"Your Appa will be home in a while." She continued playing with her dogs.


She felt her phone vibrated and she knew it was Solar, she just ignored the call. But It keeps on vibrating she just look at her phone then the call ended.

"Byulah~ just answer it. It might be important."

"it's not omma." Then her phone starts to vibrate again.

"You and Yongsun fight again?"


She just sighed and start playing with her dogs again.

"Just talk to her Byulah. You know her, sometimes she's having a hard time also, just talk to her."

"I will Omma. But I need to talk to you guys, both you and appa."

"hmm~ looks like important."

"It is."

After their meal, they gathered in the living room.

"So? You said you have something important to tell us?" her Omma started, they heard Byul cleared her throat.

"It's about Miyoung unnie."

"Oh? How about her?"

"She left us some of her wealth, I-we didn't expect that she that kinda rich you know." Then she gave her Omma the will that Miyoung left.

Her mom gasped and she gave the paper to Byul's Appa.

"You m-mean? You'll take care of her son?"


"But how about your work?"

"That's not the problem now Omma."

"Oh? It's Yongsun right?"

"uhuh. I think she doesn't want the kid, he's just so small." Byul gets her phone she shows the photo she took while feeding the baby.

"He's so adorable and lovely."

"He is."

Then her Dad put down the will and drink some tea.

"I think we will have a grandkid, Honey." He smiled.

"So? It's okay for you?" Byul asked.

"Of course. It's a blessing in disguise you know."

She felt relieved and she chuckled, then they heard the doorbell ring.

"Are you expecting someone?" Byul's dad asked.

"No. I'll get it."

Then her Omma left to get the door.

"So? You'll have a kid now."

"Appa~ I don't have one."

"Not for now."

Then the four dogs ran towards the front door and Daebak is barking loudly, the other came back to the living room waggling their tails hard.

"I'm sorry to disturb Omma."

When Byul heard the voice she stood up, immediately.

"Byulah~ Yong is here."

"Oh? Yongsun! Come here have some tea." Byul's Appa said.

She bowed to Byul's Appa.

"Appa, Thank you." She accepts the tea with both hands.

"So? I guess you're here to talk to my stubborn daughter?" Mrs. Moon said to Yongsun.


"Yes and I want to talk to both of you about the situation, but I guess you already know about it." When she saw the copy of the will on the table.

"Ah! Yes, I know Byul wanted to raise the kid but she can't do it alone." Mr. Moon said after sipping some tea.

"That's why I suggest that you'll raise the kid together." Mrs. Moon said.

"Uhmm. About that I need to tell my parents about the situation, I told my Unnie already she's fine with it." Yongsun said then she sipped some tea.

Byul turned her head when she heard what Yongsun said.

"Besides you can get the same nanny, but just don't depend on the nanny and learn from this experience for future references." Mr. Moon said and wink at them.

"Appa~ You know still it's not the time yet." Byul said.

"I know. I said FUTURE."

Then Mrs. Moon chuckled at their reaction.

"Are you staying here?" Mrs. Moon asked Byul, while helping her washing the dish.

"No, Yong and I need to talk in private."

"Unnie!!!" they heard Yesols's voice and she hugged Yongsun.

"You look pretty Yesolah~" Yongsun said with enthusiasm.

"Hehehe Thanks! Why are you here?"

"I'm fetching your Unnie."

"Oh? Did you fight again?"

"No. I just need to talk to her."

"Yah! Moon Yesol!"

"Unnie!" She hugged Byul.

"How's school?"

"Same Same."

Then Mrs. Moon appeared.

"You should go now. You'll be stuck in the traffic if you don't leave now."

"Omma? you want me to leave?"

"Yes." Then Mr. Moon laughed.

"Aigoo just go!"


Then Yongsun stands and fixed her bag, Mrs. Moon send them to the front door then she hugs her firstborn and she told her to take care then she hugged Yongsun.

"Yongsunah? Please be mooorrreeeee patient with Byul."

"I know. I'm doing my best Omma." She gave Mrs. Moon a reassuring smile.

Then they left the house.


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